Oct 15, 2008 16:24
Something I've not heard mentioned, even in the wildly Pro-Obama region of San Francisco (read, all of it)...
Obama is against gay marriage.
He believes faith and government cannot be separated on this issue. He believes gays should have full legal benefits through civil unions, but it should not legally be called a marriage. Totally equal rights... but separate rules.
I thought separate but equal was covered a while back Mr. Obama. I thought it was covered by a Supreme Court ruling that allowed you to go to any school you wanted. I thought... oh wait, that was for a group you're a member of. But now that the shoe is on somebody else's foot, well, tough luck I guess.
But McCain is of the same view, so that means you have to pick between the lesser of two evils.
Or give a serious thought to the third party candidates. Maybe read their platforms.