(no subject)

Apr 02, 2005 22:46


so i'm not going to say that my best friend is better than yours because we all think that about our own bff. i'll just say that my best friend mallory is awesome. i love her more than life and if she needed a kidney i would walk up to someone, pull out my dart gun and say "give me your kidney bitch" heck yes i would. its funny everytime we go somewhere at least one person has to come up and ask how we get our hair so big. today is was 2 boys who looked about 15. we were entering hot topic and up they come. after smiling one of the boys goes "O MY GOD WHAT IS THAT!" and points at my smiley piercing. apperantly hes never seen one because he called me a genius. lol. all the ht employees had a good laugh. its funny how they flock to us when we go there. sometimes we're like "hey dude dont have a job to do or something?" word.
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