Jun 16, 2006 19:46
well i dont kno..but things just havnt been goin my way this week!!!1 and fuck it i really could care less who reads this...its just that i dont kno..some times i feel like i cant get through..like they have beter things to do then spend time with me..like they would rather be with their friends then with me..i get the point..just some times i dont know wat to do..just some times life gets old..like its better to just fuckin die..or run away..the easyest thing to do then go through this pain..the pain that no one knos about..cause i laugh ven through pain.. so no one sees the saddness behind these eyse!!!!!!!
some times i feel all alone..like no one cares..like all people use me for is to get help..but no one is ever their for me when i need them..why ...dam it..why the fuck should i care...if no ones else does..dam it..i hate this..feeling bad all the time..i cant wait tell summer camp..so i can leave all this shit be hind me....