Huh? According to this article, a woman being ‘dumb’ is embarrassing because the stupidity is on a smaller scale. How does that make sense? In order to not be considered the 'weaker sex' we need to fuck up on a grander scale, like men do? Wtf? A woman's 'foolishness' is relatively harmless which somehow makes us dumber. This article is infuriating because most of the claims in it are claims that most women have worked so hard to dispel and the FEMALE writer of this article seems bent on bringing back.
I especially loved this part where she says, “No man contracts nebulous diseases whose existence is disputed by many if not all doctors.” Women have fought for ages to have certain health issues published and recognized. We have fought to have doctors recognize that not every woman with a headache is suffering from “stress” and sent home only to die hours later because she wasn’t taken seriously and the severe headache she was experiencing was caused by an aneurysm. We have fought to have very real issues like premenstrual syndrome recognized medically. Why would any intelligent woman dispute something so serious? What…because a man doesn’t experience PMS women must be making it up or ‘dumb’? And if we are going to argue psychological illness, well, more men are diagnosed with schizophrenia.
And don’t get me started on the whole ‘women are worse drivers because they are women’ example. Ugh! Her last sentence in that little bit of wisdom only proved that men are ‘more experienced’ drivers as they drive more miles, which is what makes them appear to be better drivers. It has nothing to do with the sex of the driver. Oh, and let’s not forget that she also went on to point out how women take far fewer risks while driving so even though they appear to have more accidents their accidents tend to result in far fewer fatalities as opposed to men.
Men’s brains are larger, therefore they are more intelligent. Yet even the woman writing this article goes on to say that men and women have the same IQs on average, which would seem to say to me that while the female brain is ‘smaller’ we use (maybe even have the ability to access) more of it. And if we’re considering brain size in proportion to body size, well, squirrel brains are larger than humans’ proportionally so they are definitely smarter, right?
Why would any woman write such an article? Why would any woman even consider accepting that we are ‘dim’ especially given how far we have come and how hard we have to fight to get here? I am not surprised. Charlotte Allen is a woman who openly bashes feminism. She runs the Independent Women’s Forum, an anti-feminist organization, and also admits she loves sites like (started by men’s rights activists who also own a page called Ameriskanks Suck) and she has also attacked transgender rights. Such a lovely person.