Jul 27, 2006 12:57
Well, for those of you that were not at the Fireworks, ie: Grace, this may come as a surprise. So, I am now raising a small crow. He was abandoned by his folks and was a soon to be dinner for some large predator, so Andre and I decided to pick him up.
Mom and I tried taking him back this morning to see if his parents just weren't around at the time, apparently crows don't do the "OMG someone touched my baby! *shun*" thing, so we gave it a try. Well, no luck, he just got mugged by a big nasty crow, so we brought him back here.
So, I've been doing research on the fellows, and by god, crows are odd things. He is a baby, so he needs to be fed every half hour to an hour. This guy is smarter than most, he knows how to drink by himself, but you stil have to shove food down his throat. But he is getting the hang of us, so that is good. He's actually very easy to get along with, and is looking a lot livelier than he was (that totally is not how you spell livelier...I hope).
My sister is gonna go talk to her boyfriend's aunt, 'cause apparently she raised one of these chaps before. So harrah.
We are just gonna keep him till he learns how to feed himself and fly, and when he takes off, he takes off.
You folks should drop by and see him some time, he is really nifty.
Also, I am trying to think of a name, so far I have Sean, but something better is probably about too.
Anyway, who is actually coming to the next fireworks asside from me?