Jun 24, 2004 03:54
Just finished getting settled into the room across from gregs. It looks ok, I have realized that i have nothing to put anything on hahaha. So everything is going to be all boxed ups until i get something to put them on. I also have to leave my lil fishie here in gregs room for now. Gregs mom did say i could stay in his room until i get all settled or whatnot. One reason is there is a big hole in the wall from gregs withdrawls a long time ago , so we are going to patch it up first that way i don't get all bits by those evul spiders. Speaking of those evul blood suckers .... I was putting a picture up on the wall and right on my canopy to my right was a big brown recluse. I jumped back screaming for greg to kill it. I HATE SPIDIES. Wells I'm pretty tireds for now. Buisy day tomorrows. *yum yum*
Night Lj