May 13, 2005 01:42
ugh...fucking cat! annoying...fully annoying
i'm tired of living with people....
i know i only use this thing for complaining...but come on now, i'm greatly lacking in that area in real life. but come on now! i hate living in a messy apartment...i walk in from 12 hours of travel and i'd like to just turn back around again. oh well....fuck's not worth it, right.
theres a fly in my room...its buzzing too loudly
i am consuming a mass amount of chinese white rabbit candies...i'm waiting for all my teeth to fall out...mmm, they're quite good though
i have nothing to say..i really don't
what am i doing...nothing
i'm goin to frankfurt tomorrow...i've never heard anything good about makes me so excited to go!
joy oh joy!
i hate auditions....wish i were a twidget...i wish a lot of things...maybe i should wish upon a star's worth a try