Hello my lovelies! Not quite a new chapter yet, but I have new links for PDFs - including the chapters of The Sea After a Storm that have been posted already in one handy place...
Since megaupload is in deep doodoo, I'm posting new links to download PDFs of my completed stories. Please let me know if anyone encounters difficulties - I haven't used this site before. I've also reformatted the files to display better on smaller devices, like phones. I downloaded Vizzini's Rule onto my phone to check a plot point a few months ago and the lines of text were really messed up. So these new files have bigger margins and play nice with little screens.
I plan to post the next chapter of The Sea After a Storm on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week and will keep posting one chapter a week. Hopefully, I'll get more chapters in the bank (and my shoulder will stop aching all the time) and will be able to post more frequently but I'm taking it slow for now.
And that's the State of the Button!
I'll see you soon!
:o) button
Download Links:
Vizzini's Rule Reprint To The Pain Reprint The Sea After a Storm (partial) .
This entry was originally posted at
http://buttononthetop.dreamwidth.org/94320.html. Please comment there using OpenID.