Title: The Sea After a Storm, Chapter 6
Rating: R
Warnings: Language
Spoilers: Season Two thru Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang (2x01)
Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Disclaimer: Torchwood and all its wonderfulness belong to the Mighty Beeb and He Who Must Not Be Named. All ©’s to Chris Chibnall for dialogue borrowed from Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang. No infringement, only worship intended!
Summary: In which Ianto rushes to rescue the rest of the team from Captain Hart's treachery…
Notes: Sequel to
Vizzini’s Rule and
To The Pain. Thanks to my amazing beta and wonderful friend
thrace_adams for all the help and support; any mistakes are mine!
The Sea After a Storm: Chapter Six
Ianto knew it was useless, but he kept trying the rest of the team on all comm channels as the lift sank slowly to the ground floor. Finally giving up, he ripped the comm from his ear as he sprinted through the lobby, out the doors and into the SUV. He sped off as he juggled his mobile and punched in the numbers for Jack's phone. He needed to warn him about Hart, tell him it was all a ruse and that the other 'Captain' was heading his way. The phone rang once and then cut off.
"Fuck!" Ianto shouted. He entered the coordinates of the canister that Tosh and Owen had tracked into the SUV's GPS. After a hair raising u-turn, Ianto was heading towards them with all due haste, blue lights running. He grabbed a fresh comm from the supply in the SUV and patched it through to Gwen's mobile. Nothing.
Ianto swore again and ran a red light, horn blaring as he sped through the intersection. He screeched to a halt outside a rundown warehouse.
"Tosh! Owen!" he called as he jumped out of the car.
No answer.
He checked the GPS again. Both Tosh and Owen's comms were registering inside the locked building. Ianto glanced around and found a crowbar, immediately prying the padlock off the door.
"Tosh! Owen!" he yelled again as pulled his weapon and ran inside.
"Tosh!" Ianto felt a wave a relief hit him. He flicked on his torch and swung it around, trying to find her.
"We're over here," Tosh cried.
She appeared halfway down the corridor and Ianto ran towards her. "What happened?" he asked when he noticed her bloody nose.
Tosh didn't even blink. "Where's Gwen? Have you heard from Gwen?" she asked worriedly.
"No," Ianto admitted. Tosh grimaced and hurried back to Owen. "I tried her mobile three times on the way here, it just rang. Hart disabled the comms."
"We know," Owen groaned.
"What happened to you?" Ianto asked as he helped Tosh get Owen to his feet.
"Bastard shot me. Took the canister. Why am I always the one getting shot?" Owen whinged.
Ianto snorted. "I suppose it would be impolite to say karma, now wouldn't it?"
Owen grinned at him.
Ianto returned the smile and then sobered. "What do you need? A&E?"
"Yes," Tosh said quickly, but Owen's negative reply drowned her out.
"No, we've got to find Gwen. Tosh patched me up. I'll be fine as soon as I can get a painkiller sorted. There're some in the SUV."
"It's right outside," Ianto said, leading the way.
"Wait!" Tosh called. " Ianto, where's Jack?"
"He… he was on the roof when Hart cornered me alone, sent me after you. He probably wanted me out of the way so he could have Jack to himself," he said bitterly.
"Well, at least he can't die," Owen pointed out. "Can't say the same for Gwen."
Tosh nodded. "Right, we'll find Gwen and then we can get Jack."
"And deal with Hart," Ianto added with a growl.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Ianto set the coordinates for the third canister into the GPS while Tosh got the medical kit out of the back of the SUV for Owen. As soon as everyone was in the vehicle, Ianto headed for the docks. He drove as fast as he dared. Owen was tidying up the dressing on his side, messing about with scissors and needles and cursing every time he was jolted about on the seat.
"Sorry," Ianto called after a particularly nasty pothole he hadn't been able to avoid.
"Just drive," Owen ground out.
Ianto got them as close to the coordinates as he could in the SUV and then they all ran the rest of the way to the maze of shipping containers. The sheer number was completely overwhelming.
"If she's in one of these, we'll never find her. There's too many!"
"Just keep looking," Tosh ordered.
Ianto stared at the sea of metal doors and shook his head slightly. He reached in his pocket for his mobile and muttered, "I'll try her phone again." Come on Gwen, pick up. Give us some direction.
Gwen didn't answer, but the sound of her ringtone filled the air. Ianto took off at run.
"Over here!"
They closed in on the noise, but didn't find Gwen, only her phone.
"She must have dropped it," Owen said as he bent down to pick it up.
Tosh starting digging in her bag, pulling out her scanner. "Unless it's another one of Captain John's tricks," she said.
Ianto thanked the powers that be for Toshiko's brilliance once again when they found Gwen in seconds instead of the hours he'd been envisioning. It was a good thing too, because Gwen didn't have hours. The team fell into the rhythm they'd developed while Jack was gone, working seamlessly together to counteract the toxin Hart had poisoned Gwen with. Owen was still working on Gwen, who was feeling much better and threatening Hart with some very creative violence when Ianto's phone rang.
He stepped away from the other three and glanced down at the display.
"Jack! Are you okay? Did you stop Hart?" he said into the phone.
"No." Jack didn't waste any time with the pleasantries either. "Tell me you're alright. That you're all alright."
"We're all fine. Hart shot Owen, but it's just a graze and he poisoned Gwen somehow, but we found her in time."
There was a short silence and then Jack growled, "I told her not to let him kiss her."
"Kiss her?" Ianto said in surprise, glancing over at Gwen. She flushed a dark red.
"Is that Jack?" she asked.
He nodded.
"Well, you can tell him - "
He waved her off and turned his attention back to the phone. "Where are you, Jack? Are you okay?"
"I'm still at the office building."
Ianto could hear the exhaustion in Jack's voice and realized he knew exactly what it meant. "Jack, what did he do to you?" he asked softly.
Jack sighed. "Not now. He took my wriststrap. He must have gone back to the Hub."
"We're on our way to pick you up," Ianto said as he gestured at the others to get moving. "Does Hart have all three canisters?"
"He must. I found ours on the roof right before he came up."
"What do you think they really are?"
"I wish I knew. Just hurry, will you?"
"Will do," Ianto promised.
"Thanks, Ianto," Jack whispered.
Before Ianto could reply, Jack had ended the call.
"Come on!" Ianto hollered. He slipped an arm around Gwen who was still a little unsteady and Tosh helped Owen. The four of them hobbled as quickly as they could to the SUV and then sped off to retrieve their Captain.
TBC in
Chapter Seven