Title: Vizzini's Rule, Chapter 85
Rating: R
Warnings: Just some bad language
Spoilers: Season One thru Captain Jack Harkness (1x12)
Disclaimer: Torchwood and all its wonderfulness belong to Russell T. Davies and the Mighty Beeb. Just goofin' around! All ©’s to Noel Clarke for dialogue and situations borrowed from Combat and to Catherine
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Comments 42
Boring????YOU?????????????????? Are you KIDDING???????????????
Adore this. Ianto waking up with Jack still wrapped around him. Spending time together, Jack sharing more and more about Torchwood with Ianto. Gwen may have taken over as leader when Jack was gone but WE know who really kept things running,don't we?
A bunny came through the rift...this is why I love you.
I like the way you have Jack and Owen still at odds post Combat. It makes sense that it wouldn't just blow over. Jack taking out his anger on the firing range (changing the targets was a nice touch-poor Janet :( ) Jack turned down dinner(starving my Ianto again grrr)AND "distraction"...meep!
I love the unraveling of Owen from Ianto's POV here. And now...cue the plot...*unhappy sigh*
“Well it would be, wouldn’t it? S’got nothing to do with making coffee,” Owen said with a cruel smileI can't wait until Ianto shoots him ( ... )
Re: boring - it's just that you've heard so much of the dialogue before, that's my worry. *blushes* that you can't believe I could be boring. *hugs*
Re: bunny - hee! So glad you liked that bit!! :D
Re: dinner - don't worry, Ianto stopped off and picked up some sandwiches on the way home, I promise! ;)
Re: shooting - OMG LOVED writing that scene. :D
Re: angst - yep, it's a-comin' not much I can do about it. :( I'm kinda bummed that this fic is going to end on such a downer but that's what I get for being canon-girl!
Re: first comment - I'm sure you would have been first, but you wrote so much! ;D
*hugs* Thank you for all your lovely words!! *hugs*
I like it so far hun! I can't wait for more! (especially the part where Ianto shoots Owen. I know that sounds weird, but the way he's looking at Owen in that scene and the way he holds himself and the gun... well I find something about that whole exchange really sexy! Okay, I'm going to stop now that I've given you more information than you probably wanted to know! LOL!) ;D
Big hugs
There's a reason I don't write from Jack's point of view!! Hope you enjoy what I come up with! :D
p.s. check your email in a sec... :D
*shuts up now*
That's definitely one of the excuses Jack is going to use. :D
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