Title: Vizzini's Rule, Chapter 75
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Nope
Spoilers: Season One thru Out of Time (1x10)
Disclaimer: Torchwood and all its wonderfulness belong to Russell T. Davies and the Mighty Beeb. Just goofin' around!
Summary: In which Jack gives Ianto his present...
Notes: Here is Jack’s secret. Hope you likes! :D This is for
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Comments 44
I NEVER want this story to end!
Hee - the way I've been going, it never WILL end. :D
p.s. Check your inbox in a little while, I'm working on e-mail next :)
Email is up! *waits patiently*
That was soooo romantic and wonderful and science fiction-y...clever girl!
And funny too.....
“Get down from there!” Ianto said, sounding a lot more like a scandalized Victorian schoolmaster than he’d intended.
“You’re not the one who has to wax it,” Ianto grumbled, but he let himself lean back on Jack’s chest.
Gotta love that Ianto snark!
********************blows you kisses*****************************
Did I bag first comment? WOOOOOT ME!
So glad you liked it! And ooo, I love being called a clever girl. *preens* Thank you so much! *huge grin*
careful! :)
This was sweet, romatic, funny, and a little sexy.
I adore meteor showers (we watch them from the beach!)
I love that Jack reads Ianto so well and calls the flat home :)
Oh and Ianto set down coffee - he was not a happy camper.
Thanks ever so!
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