Title: Vizzini's Rule, Chapter 72
Rating: R (hard R)
Warnings: A bad word and some smutty talkin’
Spoilers: Season One thru Out of Time (1x10)
Disclaimer: Torchwood and all its wonderfulness belong to Russell T. Davies and the Mighty Beeb. Just goofin' around! All ©’s to Catherine Tregenna for dialogue and situations borrowed from Out of Time.
Summary: In which the boys actually leave the bedroom for a bit...
Notes: Here’s the next bit, my lovelies! Hope you’re enjoying the fluff cuz we’ve got a few more chapters of it to go. :D
Previous Chapters Vizzini's Rule: Chapter Seventy-Two
Ianto woke the next morning with his face buried in the back of the sofa. He raised his head and looked blearily around his flat. Jack had spent the night, though there was no sign of him at the moment. They had finally fallen asleep together on the sofa after Ianto had taken Jack in a slow, sweet coupling that robbed them of both breath and words. Ianto laid back down on the pillow, wondering when Jack had gotten them a pillow, and smiled, remembering Jack’s hands on his face as he kissed him to sleep.
Somewhere, probably in his bedroom, Ianto could hear his phone ringing. He burrowed down in the sofa and ignored it. The only person he wanted to talk to was Jack and he was right there, finally right where Ianto wanted him to be. He heard the ringing cut off and then heard Jack’s low tones. They got louder as Jack walked back into the main room.
“Yes, thank you. I’ll be sure to tell him… And he can reach you at this number? Good, thanks again... Merry Christmas.”
Ianto rolled over and looked up at Jack. “Good morning,” he said as he reached for Jack’s hand.
Jack sat on the sofa and kissed Ianto thoroughly. “Morning. The police found your car.”
“What do I need to do?” he asked with an expression of distaste.
Jack smoothed his hair back from his forehead. “Just give them a call, verify a few details. They got all the information from the VIN and it’s a complete loss. No need to come claim your valuables or anything like that. You won’t have to see it. What?” Jack asked as Ianto groaned.
“All the CDs I had in the car, they’re gone. And my tools in the boot.”
Jack smiled. “Come on, Ianto, do you really think I’d leave all that stuff in there? Even if I hadn’t been making it look like the car got stripped?”
“Really.” Jack kissed him again but when Ianto tried to pull him down onto the sofa, Jack laughed and stood up. “None of that now, behave yourself.”
“Why?” Ianto asked sulkily.
“Because,” Jack explained. “I want to take you up on your offer to spend Christmas together. And since I’m pretty sure you meant here and not at the Hub, I need to get some things together and set up the security protocols and unless you feel like a lot of take-away, we need to get some food. Do you know you don’t even have any coffee?”
Ianto flushed, “Yeah, sorry about that. Wasn’t really expecting you to drop in. Ever again, actually.”
Jack looked sad. “I really am sorry, Yan.”
“I know, I didn’t mean to bring it up again. Early, not awake yet I guess.”
“You wanna get some more sleep? We were up pretty late.”
Ianto shook his head. “Nah, just a shower. Clear my head. Then I’m going to need coffee, lots of coffee.”
Laughing again, Jack pulled Ianto off the couch. “You take a shower. I’ve got a taxi coming, I’m going to go collect the SUV and then we can get some coffee and run to the Hub for a few. Sound good?”
Nodding, Ianto leaned into Jack, holding him close. He realized something was different and drew back for a moment. Jack seemed to read his mind.
“I smell like you,” he whispered, nuzzling Ianto’s ear. “I pulled my clothes out of the dryer this morning and I felt like I was surrounded by you. Is this how you feel whenever you wear my clothes at the Hub?”
A little dazed, Ianto nodded.
“Mmmm,” Jack sighed. “I like it. Needs to happen more often.” He gave Ianto a quick kiss that developed into something more as Ianto wrapped himself around Jack and kissed him back. They were still lost in each other when the taxi sounded its horn out front. Both men groaned at the interruption. With one last kiss, Jack pulled away and grabbed his aired-out coat from the back of the chair and was gone.
Rubbing a finger over his lips, Ianto smiled and went to take a shower.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Their stop at the Hub was fairly brief. Jack packed a bag with some essentials and set the Hub security to patch everything into his wriststrap while Ianto fed Myfanwy and the weevils. He hid some extra food for Myfanwy around the base, knowing that when she got hungry she would be able to sniff it out. It was his usual procedure for times when they might be out of the Hub for a few days. As for the weevils, he just doubled their rations and made sure they had plenty of water. He made a mental note to ask Owen if he’d discovered anything in his research to indicate that weevils might get bored. He was contemplating what they could offer a weevil as a source of entertainment when Jack told him they could go.
They rode up on the lift so they wouldn’t interfere with any of the alarms Jack had set. When they emerged in the Plass, Ianto held Jack on the stone block for a moment.
“There’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while,” Ianto murmured.
His eyes lighting up, Jack asked, “And what’s that?”
“We keep everything such a secret,” Ianto said. When Jack started to protest, Ianto continued, “I know it’s my choice, but sometimes… sometimes I just want to be able to kiss you in the middle of the street without worrying who might see.”
Jack slipped his arms around Ianto’s waist and pulled him close. “Like this?” he asked as he fitted his mouth to Ianto’s.
Ianto moaned into the kiss, opening his mouth to Jack’s probing tongue. He felt his cock begin to stir and felt Jack groan. “God, Yan, I would love to take you right here,” he whispered as he slid his lips to Ianto’s ear. “Spin you around and let you watch the crowds walk by while I stretch you, get you ready for me.” He kissed a path down the column of Ianto’s neck, taking advantage of Ianto’s casual dress to place a kiss in the hollow of his throat. “Would you like that, Yan? Would you like me to fuck you right here in the middle of the Plass?”
“Maybe…” Ianto gasped. “Maybe…”
“Hmmm, maybe what, Yan?”
“Maybe in the spring, sir,” Ianto said with a chuckle.
Jack laughed and hugged Ianto tightly. “That’s my boy,” he said with a smile. “Come on.” Jack twined their fingers together and they joined the crowds of last minute shoppers. “I thought you wanted coffee.”
“Yes, please,” Ianto said as they headed for Kemi’s. “Oh, I talked to the police while you were getting the SUV.”
“And?” Jack asked.
“It’s all done. They’re faxing the report to the insurance company. I talked to them too and as soon as the holidays are over, they’ll finish up the paperwork and cut me a check.”
“Now you just have to decide what kind of car you want,” Jack said.
“Fantastic,” Ianto said sardonically and Jack dropped the subject.
TBC in
Chapter Seventy-Three