Title: Vizzini's Rule, Chapter 63
Rating: R
Warnings: Some naughty words
Spoilers: Season One thru Out of Time (1x10)
Disclaimer: Torchwood and all its wonderfulness belong to Russell T. Davies and the Mighty Beeb. Just goofin' around! All ©’s to Catherine Tregenna for dialogue and situations borrowed from Out of Time.
Summary: In which Ianto explains to Jamie just exactly who is boss is...
Notes: This chapter is for
thrace_adams - here’s your favorite line sweetie!! :D So thrilled ya’ll like Jamie! Here’s the rest of that conversation for your reading pleasure. And just an early warning, I may not be able to post tomorrow night. *ducks to avoid projectiles* Sorry! I promise I’ll try!!
Previous Chapters Vizzini's Rule: Chapter Sixty-Three
Ianto raised his glass and took a long drink. “Actually, I’ve been shagging my boss,” he admitted. He took another drink of his beer as Jamie gaped at him.
“Your boss?”
Ianto nodded.
“Because you want to, right? I mean, I don’t have to go down there and wallop this woman, do I?”
That made Ianto laugh. “No, no, no, it’s not like that.” Ianto took a deep breath , remembering his talk with Tosh the night before. He couldn’t believe he was doing this again, for the second time in twenty-four hours, in the same damn pub. “And my boss isn’t a woman.”
Jamie’s mouth dropped open again. He closed it after a moment and took a drink from his glass. He watched Ianto through narrowed eyes for another moment. Their food arrived before Jamie had apparently gathered his thoughts and Ianto was glad of the distraction. Jamie frowned at his empty glass and got up, snagging Ianto’s glass as well as he headed to the bar. Ianto ate his lasagna slowly, wondering just what Jamie was going to say.
He returned to the table with two full glasses of beer and set them carefully on the table before he sat back down.
“Now we’re ready for this conversation,” Jamie said. “First off, are you fucking with me, Ianto?”
Ianto shook his head. “No, I wouldn’t do that to you, Jamie.”
“So you’ve decided you like blokes?”
Shrugging as he wound a long strand of cheese around his fork, Ianto said, “I don’t know about blokes plural. I mean, Jack’s the first man I was attracted to. So I don’t know if it’s men or just him.”
“First man,” Jamie said. “You said, ‘first’ not ‘only’ man.”
“What?” Ianto asked, feeling a telltale blush start to creep up his cheeks as Brendan popped into his mind.
“Mmhmm,” Jamie smiled and dropped that topic. “Next question, does he treat you well? I mean, the fact that he’s your boss bothers me already, I have to say. Does anyone else at work know?”
“No! But that’s me, not Jack. It’s a small group and I don’t want them to know.”
“Well…” Ianto shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Because ‘I’m terrified he’ll drop me and everyone will know and feel sorry for me’ won’t fly with Jamie, Ianto thought. “Like I said, it’s a small group and I get enough shit for being the new guy. I don’t want to be the new guy who’s shagging the boss too.”
“Okay. But back to the first part, does he treat you well?” Jamie probed.
“Your burger is getting cold,” Ianto pointed out.
“Ianto, please answer the question.”
Ianto batted his eyelashes at Jamie. “Yes, father, he treats me well and promised to buy me a pony.”
The corners of Jamie’s mouth twitched but, he kept the serious look on his face. “I just want to make sure he’s good enough for you, Jones.”
“Well, let me ask you this. Would you be this concerned if Jack were a woman?”
Jamie chuckled and looked slightly abashed. “Probably not, but I know men.”
“I’m fine, Jamie, I promise. Jack makes me happier than I’ve been in a long time. Sure, he can be an arse like anyone else and he takes me for granted sometimes, but I… I never thought I’d recover from losing Lisa, but Jack… he made everything bearable. I feel like I can breathe again. He - oh fuck,” Ianto said and dropped his head with a groan.
“What?” Jamie asked. He glanced around the pub.
Ianto groaned again. “That’s Jack,” he said without raising his head.
“Really? The dark-haired bloke in the big coat? Daaaamn, Jones,” Jamie breathed.
Ianto snuck a look at Jack. He had finished talking to the waitress and was leaning back against the bar, looking right at their table. Surrendering to the inevitable, Ianto gave him a half-hearted wave. Jack grinned and walked over to them.
“Sorry to interrupt, boys. I was just picking up lunch for the team and saw you sitting there.”
Ianto had to try very hard to keep from rolling his eyes. Bollocks, you never pick up lunch, he thought. He must have watched us on the CCTV. He found, much to his surprise, that he was oddly touched by the gesture. Maybe he does still care. Ianto performed the introductions. “Jack, this is my friend, Jamieson Smith. Jamie, this is -”
Jack interrupted, stretching his hand out to Jamie. “Captain Jack Harkness. What brings you to Cardiff?”
Jamie shook his hand warily. “Ianto, actually. I’m headed to Newport tomorrow and swung down to see how he was doing.”
“Tomorrow? So you’re staying the night? Well… that should be nice. How do you two know each other?”
Ianto jumped in. “We were at University together.”
Jamie nodded. “Yeah, we were flatmates for years,” he said leaning back in his chair.
Jack smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “How fun. It’s like a little reunion.”
Ianto forced himself to laugh. “Yeah. Um, Jack, looks like your food is ready.”
“Allow me,” Jamie said. He stood, stretching himself to his full height, and looked down at Jack. “It was nice to meet you.”
Jack tilted his chin pugnaciously to look up at the taller man. “You too… Jamie was it? Thanks for grabbing that for me,” he added jerking his head to the bar.
“No problem, mate,” Jamie said with a smile.
Ianto was startled when Jack suddenly swooped down to kiss him full on the lips. He grabbed Jack’s shoulders for balance as he was thoroughly kissed by the Captain. Jack pulled back and ran a hand down the side of Ianto’s face before he turned to take the bags from Jamie. “Thanks,” he said again and then swaggered out of the pub.
Jamie dropped in to his chair with a bark of laughter. “Oh, Jones, you sure can pick ‘em.”
“What?” Ianto said, still slightly dazed from Jack’s kiss.
“‘What’ he says.” Jamie shook his head. “I haven’t been that clearly warned off a guy in my whole life.”
“What?” Ianto said again, feeling stupid. “He didn’t say anything-”
Jamie laughed again. “Ianto, he stopped just short of pissing on you to mark his territory. Trust me, whatever you’ve got going on with him, whoever you’re keeping it secret from, he wanted to make abso-fucking-lutely sure that I know you belong to him.”
“Really.” Jamie shook his head again, finally picking up his burger. “God, he’s beautiful,” he said as he took a bite. “A little short,” he joked, “but still.”
Ianto laughed out loud. “Everyone’s shorter than you.”
“True,” Jamie said, swallowing his mouthful of burger. “I just have one more question.”
“What’s that?” Ianto asked.
“Why the fuck couldn’t you have realized you liked blokes when I was falling over my feet every time you walked in the room?”
Ianto looked closely at Jamie and saw that old hurt still lingering in his eyes. Wondering how different his life would be if he had realized it back then, Ianto reached across the table to squeeze Jamie’s hand. His eyes soft with might-have-beens, Ianto said jokingly, “Blind fucking stupidity.”
Jamie seemed to understand him and returned the squeeze before reaching for his beer. “Bloody well right. Cheers, Jones.”
Ianto clinked his glass against Jamie’s. “Cheers, Smith.”
TBC in
Chapter Sixty-Four