Fic: Vizzini's Rule (52/105)

Sep 12, 2008 20:01

Title: Vizzini's Rule, Chapter 52

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Nope, not really

Spoilers: Season One thru Random Shoes (1x09) and Season Two for the episode Adrift (2x11)

Disclaimer: Torchwood and all its wonderfulness belong to Russell T. Davies and the Mighty Beeb. Just goofin' around!

Summary: In which Ianto figures something out...

Notes: A little breather from the hotness.  :)   These next few chapters are a little coda to the Flat Holm storyline, then we begin the downward slide into the angst-filled season end of Out of Time, Combat, Captain Jack Harkness and End of Days...

Previous Chapters

Vizzini's Rule: Chapter Fifty-Two

Ianto awoke suddenly, sitting up in Jack’s bed. He was breathing hard and sweating, a sure sign that he’d been having a nightmare… of something. He couldn’t place it. He dropped his face in his hands, trying to take deep calming breaths as he racked his brain for what had woken him up. It was always easier for him to get back to sleep if he could identify his dream-terror. Otherwise, he would feel it lingering at the edge of mind, waiting to torture him again as soon as he fell asleep.

He had no luck this time. Sighing, he swung his feet to the floor and sat at the edge of the bed for a while, elbows resting on his knees, his head still in his hands. He wondered where Jack was. After they had drowsed together for a while, Jack had gotten up, unable to sleep even after the several hours of comforting exertions they had shared. He had pulled the covers over Ianto and left him with a kiss, thanking him yet again. Ianto was pretty sure he had heard Jack’s shower at some point but he’d fallen sound asleep shortly after Jack tucked him in and couldn’t be sure.

Shower. That sounds good, Ianto thought groggily. Clear my mind. He dragged himself off the bed, noting that it was about nine o’clock. At night, I presume, he thought as he stumbled to Jack’s small bathroom. Didn’t sleep that long. Wonder what woke me up. Try as he might, the nightmare had vanished, leaving him frustrated and grumpy.

He stepped under the spray of hot water, letting it beat down on his head for quite some time before starting to wash his hair. He felt like he was moving underwater, unable to shake the sleep from his mind. Cup of coffee, he thought and immediately cheered up. He hurriedly finished his shower and threw on a pair of jeans and a warm jumper from the stash of clothes he kept at Jack’s.

There was no sign of Jack, either in his office or in the Hub. I wonder if he’s… Ianto headed to the staircase and listened carefully. He heard the expected faint popping noise over the ever-present dripping water. Jack often spent time in the shooting range when he was feeling low and it looked like that night was no different.

Ianto headed up to the kitchen area and put on a pot of coffee. As it was brewing, a brightly colored box on the shelf caught his eye. It wasn’t something he had stocked so he was curious. He opened it up and made a sound halfway between disgust and amusement. Gwen or Owen, it must have been one of them, had bought a selection of flavored teas. They weren’t the sort of thing Ianto would have anywhere near his very proper tea-pot. He pulled a teabag out and saw that not only were they flavors like “Lemonilicious” and “Orange-You-Glad?” but the packets were as garishly colored at the box and attached to one another like - Ianto laughed - like a box of condoms, he thought. He shuffled through them to see all the flavors (Razzledazzleberry? Chai-Spy? ), his fingers twitching the packets along as if they were rosary beads.

Ianto dropped the tea.

His dream came crashing back. The image had been preying on his mind all day. That woman, the woman from today she… she was moving her hands like that. And moving her lips, she was… oh my God she was praying, saying the rosary, after all she’d seen and been through, she was still… Ianto’s throat tightened up and he fought a sudden rush of tears. His hand fumbled in the pocket of his jeans, searching for the number on his mobile before he’d even decided to call.

“Hello?” A friendly but cautious voice answered on the second ring.

“Yes, hello, I’m… my name is Ianto Jones. I was at the… the facility today with Captain Jack Harkness? We brought in a new… uh… patient?”

“Yes, Mr. Jones, how can I help you?”

Ianto let out a deep breath. “I’m very sorry to bother you so late, but I have something I would like… her to have. The new patient, that is. Is there a standard visiting time or should I arrange something with Helen or… what should I do?”

He could hear a muffled discussion, then the man returned to the phone. “There’s no set time for visitors, Mr. Jones and the lady has been somewhat, well, uneasy since the Captain left… Would it be convenient for you to meet the boat tonight? Say, in half an hour?”

Ianto glanced at his watch. “That should be fine. Will it be Captain Tregallas again?”

“Yes, sir. He’ll be at the same dock as this morning.”

“Thank you,” Ianto said and rang off. He hesitated, wondering if he should tell Jack where he was going. He decided to just leave a note. He didn’t want Jack trying to change his mind or, even worse, insist on coming along. Jack wouldn’t have to go anywhere near Flat Holm for quite some time if Ianto had any say in the matter.

TBC in Chapter Fifty-Three

fanfic, jack/ianto

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