Rambling: Dragon*Con 2008

Sep 07, 2008 20:23

My First Time at Dragon*Con
by buttononthetop

(apologies to the wonderful thrace_adams, whenever I do the LJ link on your name it totally messes up the post!  *shrugs*)

- Stood in line forEVER to register (almost passed out from heat and humidity, seriously like dizzy and sweaty and ears ringing passed out, not fun)

- Saw Gareth’s panel with Anthony Lewis (OMGSQUEEEEEEE)


- Met my lovely and talented beta in person (hi thrace_adams *big hug*)

- Saw the Doctor Horrible Sing-a-Long Blog done Rocky Horror Style with aforementioned lovely and talented beta and her charming hubs and several other friends and then right afterwards we saw the Buffy Horror Picture Show (i.e. Once More With Feeling, the musical episode done the same way) (WHEDONGASM)

- Saw Gareth’s panel with Anthony Lewis AND James Marsters (OMGSQUEEEEEEEx100)

- Saw Smallville panel (Michael Rosenbaum is seriously entertaining and cute!)

- Got Gareth’s autograph (*blushes* felt dorky doing it but couldn’t resist. Hey! For 2 seconds he knew my name!! *faints*)

- Saw Firefly panel - thanks to previously aforementioned lovely and talented thrace *blows kiss* holding a place in line for me

- Saw Gareth’s panel with Anthony Lewis (OMGSQUEEEEEEE)

- Saw broadcast of the end of the tribute panel for Don S. Davis (will miss you Don! *sniff*) and a broadcast of Edward James Olmos and James Hong talking about Bladerunner (very cool)

- Saw an awesome panel called OMG You Killed Jenny! which counted down the 10 most devastating in the Whedonverse (thanks again to the most awesome thrace holding a seat for me, you rock sweetie!)

Sunday Night/Wee Hours of Monday
- Had party in our suite, fun for a while but eventually kinda lame since I haven’t been going to D*C for years like my friends I was staying with. But got to hang out with thrace and hubs so that was fun.

- Ran into GDL in the atrium of the Marriott, literally. Saw him get off the escalator and stalked him out to the smoking area outside. There was a fight going on and he stopped to watch and I went and stood right next to him, just to watch the fight too, ya know? ;) Anyhoo, he turned to go back inside and totally bumped my arm. *faint*

Things that are just cooler when said by Gareth David-Lloyd:
“fanny nugget”
“arse twinge”
“into the lift, eye candy”
“Cariad” (seriously, you haven’t lived until you’ve heard him say “I love you, sweetheart” in Welsh *faint*)

Gareth and the rest of the panel sang Happy Birthday to a girl at Friday’s panel and then he did a bit from Labyrinth (Dance, Magic, Dance) on Sunday. *sigh*

Best Torchwood News:
Torchwood is NOT moving towards a family-friendly format. He said, “It’s still post-watershed. It’s still sexy and bloody and John Barrowmany.” (hee)

There were people there besides Gareth?? Just kidding…
James Marsters was fantastic - absolutely charming and funny and OMG even hotter in person. Anthony Lewis was great, hope to see him in lots more things. Michael Rosenbaum was hilarious and really warm and so fun. He got down from behind his panel table and walked out in the crowd, taking questions and telling stories. The Firefly cast (Alan Tudyk, Nathan Fillion, Jewel Staite and Morena Baccarin) really made me miss the show even more. They were all so fun and so much like a family.

All in all it was a blast! I’m a terrible re-capper so apologies for that. If you want to know more - just ask and I’ll do my best to remember!! :) I have my pictures uploaded to Photobucket here. Sometimes it just opens right and sometimes you need the guest password which is “buttononthetop” - enjoy the pretties! Check out the YouTube vids that people have posted as well - just search on “dragoncon 2008” or “dragoncon gareth” and there are lots, including him saying “cariad” *melt*

:o) button


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