OK, my darling dears, I have given myself a deadline to start posting again and since I'm putting out there in the Universe, I better stick to it! I have a lot of chapters in the bank and, thanks to the lovely encouragement of my most superawesome beta (y'all know and love her as
thraceadams ) and the wonderful people involved with
WritingChallenge.org (Home of the Monthly Twitter Writing Challenge), I have been trying to make 500 words a day. I fail as often as I succeed, but the Challenges have gotten me back on track with writing most every day. I'm
@buttononthetop on Twitter if you want to come play. :)
And so (drumroll, here) I am happy to announce that October 1st will see Chapter 84 posted come hell or high water! Or, as a dear friend is fond of saying, God willin' and the creek don't rise!
I will be posting more Jack and Ianto songs in the meantime just cuz. No one seems to be reading those, but I love all the pics and gifs I found, so I'm pretty much posting them for myself at this point. :D
So I hope y'all will come back and see the finale of the Canon Verse - five episodes left!
Love ya!
:o) button
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http://buttononthetop.dreamwidth.org/117403.html. Please comment there using