Title: The Sea After a Storm, Chapter 67
Rating: R
Warnings: None really, just didn't feel like changing the rating
Spoilers: Season Two thru Reset (2x06)
Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Disclaimer: Torchwood, Doctor Who and all their wonderfulness belong to the Mighty Beeb and He Who Must Not Be Named. All ©'s to J.C. Wilsher for situations and dialogue borrowed from Reset. No infringement, only worship intended!
Summary: In which Martha Jones comes to Torchwood...
Notes: Hullo my darlings - thank you to everyone who's reading and ESPECIALLY to everyone commenting! I'd like to go on record stating that I hate the these next 3 episdoes, so hopefully I did ok with them! You can find all the previous chapters of
The Sea After a Storm here. This is a sequel to
Vizzini’s Rule and
To The Pain. Thanks again and forever to my amazing beta and wonderful friend
thraceadams for all the help and support and beta work; any mistakes are mine!
The Sea After a Storm: Chapter Sixty-Seven
Previously on The Sea After a Storm: Colin Kingsley-Brown made another appearance and Jack got a phone call from Dr. Martha Jones…
A few weeks passed, rather than just a few days, before Ianto had to make the call to Martha. One evening in late November, there was a flurry of activity on the police scanner, leading the team to believe that a nest of weevils was on the prowl. Ianto dispatched Owen and Tosh to one location, while Jack and Gwen checked out a second address close by, leaving him to monitor the scanner for updates.
The turmoil died down rather quickly. Ianto assumed the weevils had gotten wind of Torchwood's presence and decided, like most vermin, that discretion was the better part of valour. The police seemed a little confused by the sudden loss of any perpetrators, but dropped back and let Torchwood take over the scene and deal with the last few stragglers. Ianto was chuckling over one discussion between dispatch and an officer regarding the "bloody special ops gits" when Owen suddenly broke in over the comms.
"Jack. We've got a body here."
"I don't think so," Tosh offered. "There doesn't appear to be any visible trauma at all."
Jack sighed. "Ianto?"
Ianto tapped his comm as he pulled out his mobile. "Dialling now, sir."
"Dialling who?" Gwen asked.
Jack ignored her. "Tosh, Owen - we're coming to you. The body will be easier to transport in the SUV. Ianto? See you in a bit."
Ianto clicked off his comm and turned down the scanner before placing the call.
"Martha Jones," a cheery voice answered.
"Dr. Jones, this is Ianto Jones of Torchwood. Captain Harkness asked that I inform you immediately should we discover any, er, deceased persons."
"Another body in Cardiff, lovely." She sighed. "Thanks, Ianto. Tell Jack that I'll be there in fifty minutes, forty if the helicopter is already prepped."
"Yes, ma'am. Captain Harkness has explained how to find us?" he asked politely.
"I've been there once or twice. Thanks again," Martha said before ending the call.
Ianto did the same and slipped his phone into his pocket. He was anxious to meet this Dr. Martha Jones, he just hoped her appearance didn't lead to more sleepless nights for Jack. For a week after her original call, Jack had spent more nights on the chair in Ianto's room than in the bed with Ianto himself. The nightmares were never as bad as they'd been when Jack was first back from his adventures with the Doctor, but Ianto could still see the toll they took on his lover. One night, Ianto had rolled over to discover Jack was lying next to him as tense as a bowstring, holding himself perfectly still. When Ianto had tried to cuddle in, Jack had bolted for the sofa and insisted on staying at the Hub for the next two nights - alone.
Ianto sighed and did the one thing he could think of to prepare for what would probably be a long night.
He made coffee.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
After the team got back from the field, Jack sent Ianto up to the Tourist Office to wait for Martha. He glanced at his watch and estimated he had at least twenty minutes before she would arrive, choosing a magazine at random from the counter to keep himself occupied.
When the door swung open just a few minutes later to admit a stylish, young black woman, Ianto gave her an apologetic smile. "Sorry," he said kindly. "We're closing."
He'd just looked back down at his magazine when a rustle from the woman made him glance up again. The woman was holding out a UNIT ID card with the name "Dr. Martha Jones, Medical Officer" printed neatly under her photograph.
Ianto straightened immediately, resisting the strong urge to salute. Brendan's influence, no doubt, he thought to himself. "Excuse me, ma'am," he offered as he pressed the door release button and gestured for Dr. Jones to precede him.
"No problem, we made better time than I'd expected."
"Welcome to Torchwood, Dr. Jones," Ianto said as they stepped into the lift. "I'm Ianto Jones, everyone else is down in the Hub with the…er…"
"Corpse," Martha supplied matter-of-factly. She stuck out her hand for Ianto to shake. "Pleased to meet you, Ianto, and please call me Martha."
"Yes, ma'am… I mean, Martha."
She gave him a wide grin as the lift landed at the bottom of the shaft and opened its doors.
Ianto hurried forward and pressed the intercom button by the Hub entrance. "Jack, your VIP visitor is here," he said and then engaged the cog door.
Martha raised an eyebrow at him. "VIP, hmm?"
"Very," Ianto said with a smile which Martha returned. He repeated his gesture from upstairs as the cog door rolled back, allowing her to walk into the Hub first.
"Miss Martha Jones," Jack said as he walked over to meet them. He gave Martha a grin and wink, grabbing her in a huge hug as soon as she was up the stairs.
"Oh, it's good to see you, Jack!" Martha cried, hugging Jack just as fiercely.
Jack laughed delightedly, pulling back from the hug to introduce everyone. "Toshiko, Owen, Gwen, Ianto, meet Martha."
Ianto gave Martha a wave when she turned to acknowledge him, making her laugh again as she stooped to pick up her kit.
"Just a casual visit or…?" Owen's question faded as Martha headed purposefully for the medbay.
"I'm here to complete your post-mortem," she explained as she passed him.
"Dr. Jones is from UNIT," Jack added as further explanation, following Martha.
"Oh, I'm sorry, sorry, I get a bit confused. Which one's UNIT?" Gwen asked.
Ianto rolled his eyes. He couldn't decide if Gwen was actually that thick or if she was playing dumb for their guest or possibly for Jack's benefit. He does like to explain things, Ianto thought as he followed the rest of the team into the medbay, walking past Tosh and Gwen to stand next to Jack at the rail as he clarified.
"Intelligence, military, cute red caps."
Ianto rolled his eyes again.
Jack went on. "The acceptable face of intelligence gathering on aliens. We're more ad hoc. But better looking," he added loudly garnering an exasperated glance from Martha down below.
She picked up Jack's explanation as she donned gloves and her lab coat. "I identified a pattern from UNIT's data on sudden deaths. Toxic shock. Nothing to link the victims. Different ages, sexes, ethnic origins, occupations, but there was a statistically significant concentration in South Wales."
"Come on, Martha, be honest," Jack said teasingly. "You just came all this way to see me."
"Still struggling to conquer your shyness, Jack?" Martha asked dryly.
Ianto grinned as Jack laughed. Oh, I like her, he thought. He glanced over to see Tosh watching Martha with a worried look on her face and sobered instantly. He made a mental note to ask Jack to reassure Tosh that her past with UNIT was still a closely guarded secret.
Owen and Martha worked together to confirm that this body was another one of the pattern she'd identified by way of discovering a puncture wound in the victim's eyeball. While the rest of the team worked on cracking the man's seemingly irretrievable medical records, Ianto headed up to his office to make some arrangements for Martha. He turned on his police scanner out of habit, giving it one ear as he booked a room at the St. David's for an indeterminate stay.
He set out some biscuits from his backup stash in the Tourist Office, happy to see that Owen hadn't yet discovered it, and was about to head downstairs to offer everyone some refreshments when the scanner crackled to life with a dispatch about a victim who sounded very much like the dead body currently residing in the medbay, except this woman was still alive. Ianto noted the details and hurried downstairs with the tea tray still clutched in his hands.
As he walked past his workstation to join Jack and the others, a sudden explosion took him completely by surprise. The biscuits went flying as Ianto let out a startled yelp, instinctively ducking away from the blast.
Owen made a face at the mess now covering Ianto's workstation and looked down at the alien artefact he had named the Singularity Scalpel. "Er… haven't quite got the calibration right yet," he admitted as everyone giggled.
Everyone except Ianto. He walked up the few steps to the group and straightened his jacket with as much dignity as he could manage. "Jack," he said seriously.
Jack managed to wipe the smile off his face with great effort and kept his response to an interrogative hum, probably to keep from laughing again.
Ianto ignored his subdued mirth and continued. "There's been another attack. Assault with a hypodermic, only this time the victim survived. Woman, aged 27. She's in the hospital. Medical records wiped, just like the others."
Jack was already heading for the door with Martha, Owen, and Gwen on his heels when Ianto finished speaking, all traces of laughter gone. Ianto looked over at his workstation and frowned, his irritation with Owen returning at the sight of exploded plant material and shards of glass all over his desk.
He kicked a stray biscuit away from the steps and headed up to the tourist office in a huff. Owen could very well clean up the mess himself when he got back.
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