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Mar 14, 2009 11:42

i finally saw watchmen. i've wanted to see this for a very long time since i read it. i really enjoyed it. it was very very almost painfully true to the book, which was good for people who read it but may have affected it a little as a movie independent of the comic book--it was jam packed! i don't really have anything to complain about, as this is probably the best it was going to ever get made, considering it was going to get made no matter what thats just the way things are now a days.
my favorite part was the little montage in the beginning. i liked the way it looked and i liked that it covered so much. the nerd in me enjoyed the fight scenes as well. they were pretty bad ass. and snyder could have chilled a little bit with all the slow-mo stuff. not a real problem though. my only real complaint is that the musical choices were really predictable and pretty lame. its like they used the most over used, popular, played out songs from the eras they were trying to portray, especially when they played the sounds of silence over the comedians funeral. i LOVE that song, and it was amazing in the Graduate, but, once a will ferrel movie uses it in a funny way, its time to retire that song from serious movies. the music was also out of place and meaningless at times. i read some random review that said about zack snyder "Quentin Tarantino you are not" as far as music goes, and i agree. but in his defense this is really only his 3rd feature film, and Tarantino is one of those one in a million talented directors, so you can't expect that from everybody. hmmm how cool would it have been if he did watchmen?
oh i should also add the actor who played Rorschach was really good. his Batman voice was a little irritating at first, but thats exactly how i imagined him when reading it. Billy Crudup was exactly how i envisioned Dr. Manhattan as well. Gentle and soft spoke, and kind of monotonous. he was really good, yes i know he was CGI but it was him acting.

all in all i liked the book a lot more than i thought i would, as i'm not really into comics that much, unless they are really, really good like watchmen. i think this movie did it justice and it was done at the right time where the special effects were up to par and the whole thing didn't look cheap or kitschy. no real disappointments from me, and i'd probably watch it again, and buy the DVD (which i don't really do anymore)

movie review, watchmen, movies

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