I saw it and I think so! I plan on seeing it at least once more, even in 3-D again. definitely a big-screen movie, and a lot more enjoyable than the naysayers are letting on. I've noticed the people who say it could suck haven't seen it. Even those who have mixed feelings (I thought the plot was lame, but LOVED the world) seem to be really glad they saw it. Not a single one has said, "Wish I hadn't," like I have with a few movies.
Yeah, except even if the movie is gorgeous; if the story sucks, I'm going to leave pissed. I'll still get into verbal fisticuffs over 'Cars' and 'Hellboy 2' no matter how good looking they are.
I'm not seeing it. I don't really feel like giving money to someone who makes the kind of sexist and racist comments Cameron made while making it. Or, you know, someone who thinks racist, ableist plots are still an okay thing to be marketing.
Worth it, I take it?
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