Jul 19, 2007 14:37
Been in Athens for like 5 weeks now, keeping house, keeping busy. By keeping house, I mean keeping it clean, furnishing it in the beginning, paying the bills, so on.
Classes have been okay. My Junior Comp requirement is over after tomorrow (assuming I get my last essay finished by then, which I probably will), and it was the simplest fucking class of my life. Four weeks of watching movies and just talking. Once a week, I spit out a paper, with the grades going up incrementally. First a B+ then an A- then today an A. Fabulous. My history class has been a thorn in my side all summer, because the professor is terrible with deadlines. It's an online class, and he has no set deadlines, so things are due whenever he feels like they should be due, giving us no warning, nor any serious indication of what he wants. He will often contradict his instructions, sometimes in the same set of instructions (example: in the instructions for the midterm, he told us to respond to two of three quotes, and that he was looking for three separate paragraphs on the three quotes). Whatever, hopefully I can continue bullshit my way to a passing grade, bringing my history minor all that much closer to completion. Next week, I start my screenwriting class. We'll see how that goes.
I've been watching a lot of movies. Nothing in theaters, I haven't seen anything in theaters since "Knocked Up." Not even Harry Potter. But Casey and I just peace out and watch movies in the house. Mostly, we show each other movies to get their reaction. Sometimes, we'll watch something we've already seen or we'll just watch something completely random. Casey showed me "Get Over It" (yeah, the Sisqo movie) and "28 Days." I liked both, not anticipating that. "Get Over It" was startlingly hilarious, with just ridiculous bullshit everywhere. We also watched a new movie called "Motel" made by the same people who made "Me, You, and Everyone We Know." I like the latter. I loathed "Motel."
Casey is out of town for the next week. It's lonely here without pretty much the one person I see.
It storms basically everyday here. It's pleasant.
I've bought a lot more music than I should. I bought the new TMBG, the new White Stripes, the new Polyphonic Spree, some old Modest Mouse, and probably others. To compensate, I've been stealing music at an alarming rate. Don't tell anyone.
Further summer plans:
7/21: TMBG in Cleveland
7/22,23: Reading stage directions for Merri Biechler
7/27: Seeing "The Simpsons" in Cincy (maybe.) Spider-Pig is my favorite right now.
8/3-5: Fucking Lollapalooza in Chicago.
8/10-12: Kansas City
8/24-31ish: Maryland. The dates are not certain at this point. But sometime within that week.