Dec 13, 2008 20:48
1. Pick 15 of your favorite movies.
2. Go to IMDB and find a quote from each movie.
3. Post them in a note for everyone to guess.
4. Strike it out when someone guesses correctly, and put who guessed it and the movie.
5. NO GOOGLING/using IMDB search functions. That's cheating and it ruins the fun.
~~~~~Ready? Go!~~~~~ I'll be surprised if people don't know these.
1. "Without you, today's emotions would be the scurf of yesterday's. "
2. "As you wish."
3. "In life, we are kings or pawns."
4. "I don't want to have to do this living. I just walk around. I want to be swept off my feet, you know? I want my children to have magical powers. I am prepared for amazing things to happen. I can handle it."
5. "Why do you wear that stupid bunny suit?
Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?"
6. "I see you're drinking 1%. Is that 'cause you think you're fat? 'Cause you're not. You could be drinking whole if you wanted to."
7. "Do you know what your sin is?
Ah Hell... I'm a fan of all seven. But right now... I'm gonna have to go with wrath."
8. "A bird may love a fish, signore, but where will they live?
Then I shall have to make you wings."
9. "Nice in a bodyguard is about as useful as the ability to regurgitate whole lobsters."
10. "I don't think I'll ever dry out."
11. "I dare not kiss so lovely a lady. I have but one heart to lose."
12. "Riddle? Riddle. So have you thought of an answer yet?
You can''t pass. I give up, I think, no wait, wait... Fine. What's the answer?
Okay. It's a herring.
But a herring isn't green.
You can paint it green.
But a herring doesn't hang on a wall.
You can nail it to a wall.
But a herring doesn't whistle!
Oh, come on. I just put that in to stop it from being too obvious."
13. "I can't believe that just fucking happened!
Is it dead?"
14. "I will take these cotton balls from you with my hand and put them in my pocket." (only because I used this line at work today lol).
15. "Hmm... Murdered by pirates, a heart torn out and eaten, meet Victoria... Can't quite decide which sounds more fun..."