Apr 22, 2005 22:32
i'm so incredibley scared right now
i was just thinking about how
just a couple years ago i was still sitting around the house on vacations
and people would call
to hang out and talk
and just do things that friends would do
now if someone wants to chill
it's boring without drugs or doing something wrong
because people don't know what to do anymore
i would give anything just to go play pool with people
no one calls me to hang out anymore
people have jobs
places to go
things to do
everyones busy
caught up in their own lives
not taking the only time they have left with their friends
after senior year i could never see you again
the time we have left could be it
and then all of our memories are gone
then what happens?
then the same thing happens
life is full of broken promises
every friend i've made
every wonderful person i love and know
they're all going to be ripped away
i'm so scared i won't make new friends
and that i won't succeed
or see any of you again
and the other sad part is that some of the most important people to me
won't ever see this
or know how much i love them
and how much i don't want them to go
please please please
if i never see you, or if we get into an argument
succeed at life
and remember
that i'll always be here
even if i'm not really there
keep the memories with you
just promise me that