Of Christmas Music, Idiots in Human Skins, and Suffering from Short Pinky Syndrome

Dec 23, 2004 13:39

Would that I were more ambitious, driven, energetic.  Would that I could sustain my creative passions until they produced monetary gain.  Would that I were more of all the things that I barely am.

My dear husband has banned Christmas music here in our humble abode.  It makes it that much harder to muster any sort of Christmas spirit.

Yes, I said it.  A few times.  ChristmasChristmasChristmasChristmasChristmasChristmasChristmasChristmasChristmasChristmasChristmasChristmasChristmas.  Merry CHRISTMAS.  I will not say Happy Holidays.  My tradition is Christmas, not Kwanzaa or Chanukkah.  If you celebrate Kwanzaa or Chanukkah, may you be blessed on your respective holidays.  But I am celebrating Christmas.

Or not celebrating it, anyway.  I do not think Christmas will hold any magic for me anymore, at least not until I have a kid.

So I have not written or edited in a few days.  I hate that I have not.  And yet I have not the drive or desire to do it.  Which is really fucking wrong of me, seeing as I haven't been working so that I could write.  I have opened  Word many times and looked around at the older of my two books.  But then I just close it.  This is not writer's block.  No, this is different.  This, my friends, or ghosts thereof, this is depression.

::Original content deleted. Censoring myself. ::

Maybe it's time I get off my ass and do something mildly constructive.  I have more to say, of course.  But at least half the thoughts in our brains should never leak out through hand or mouth.
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