thats ASS.

Feb 11, 2008 05:46

walking around in walmart until I spot a pair of bunny ears and put them on. so im walking around in walmart with bunny ears. me, melissa, and jessi were on some kinda crack the minute we stepped into the car. cause we got in shaking like it was freezing outside and jessi goes "...its not even that fucking cold outside." and for some odd reason we actually stopped shivering. lol, followed it up with some other crack related stuff that causes you to laugh so hard that nothing comes out your mouth.
midnight riding around town; me, daniel, jessi, ashley, knight, kyle. Ashley wanted some tacos but we ended up at....waffle house. Ask me how to get to the hospital cause I found a new way to show you. xDD

Walked around the mall with bunny ears. Got my hair did. Hung out back behind funfunfun talking to Daniel, Ninu, Brandon, and a cop about the past times of smoking weed and drinking. There was one FUNNY ASS story Brandon had said about doing a late night check up at Mountasia or whatever the fuck its called. Ask me and hopefully I can tell it without laughing too much. xDD Bought an alligator with a heart in its mouth, named it Clouse. And once agn I know what Melissa's gift for me is...its a soft gwompy handful of pink LOOVE! ^ u ^

Three in the morning...
How bout Im sleeping and I wake up and Daniel's up in my face. How bout dis nigguh asking me to take him to damn Ninu's house at three in the morning?

Put some bich in his place cause he was all up in my game.
New car in Wangan; yellow mazda RX8 500HP
Got some worthy items on gaia and then watched a moobie wif my mommy. She says i look japanese with my new hairy do. o.o; I specifically set my alarm to 4AM so I can get to Raleigh around 6ish.

This morning:
HOW BOUT SOME nigguh with a restricted number calls me at TWO in the morning?! I was too tired to realize it was an actual call, cause I just opened my phone...saw the seconds going by but didnt think nothing of I ended it and turned the alarm off. Im halfway down the highway looking at the time and it says 3:21...wondering why its an hour before my alarm's time? so I assumed the clock in my car was messed up.
Get to raleigh and I look at the time in my cell and it says 4AM. check my imcoming call only to realize it WAS a phone call. whats up with nigguhz tryna NOT make me sleep?!
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