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Here are your rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences here.
5. Put the meme and answer in your journal, tag five people and the madness continues.
"And, absurd as it may be, the mind responds to these cues; that interior eye actually sees a series of gigantic ice cream sundaes rising out of Puget Sound like strange volcanic cones--each with a maraschino cherry the size of Seattle's Kingdome on top of it. In fact we see those disgustingly red cocktail cherries raining down, plopping into all that whipped cream and leaving craters nearly the size of Great Tycho. Thank the genius of Stan Freberg."
Stephen King's Danse Macabre: world's longest run-on sentence dealing with the intricacies of the horror genre. Funny, because Seattle Liz's book was also Stephen King. Actually I had 3 books equidistant from me, but one had less than 123 pages and the other was about student loans and not nearly as interesting.
I tag -
headquarters, and
missmuppy. If they want.