Nov 16, 2008 16:55
breakfast portal: hah
breakfast portal: we just need another touchdown and to go for two
breakfast portal: bitchpiznepper
EcricketZ: slutpepper
breakfast portal: yea, hosspepper
EcricketZ: lol
breakfast portal: Wax Motherfucker
breakfast portal: Negative Wind
breakfast portal: oops
EcricketZ: Positive Flux
breakfast portal: its like im sayin
EcricketZ: Neutral Waters
EcricketZ: hahah bitch pepper fumbles
breakfast portal: asspepper just got served by peppers
EcricketZ: bitchpepepr got server by hood peppers
breakfast portal: gangsta peppers
breakfast portal: Celtic Viking
breakfast portal: spaghetti spaghetti
EcricketZ: no shit?
EcricketZ: wow
EcricketZ: rigitoni wit cheese and balona only
breakfast portal: gotta give up that pocket badger