Aug 09, 2004 12:10
The official song of the LA summer is Ashlee Simpson's "Pieces of Me."
The first time you play Pieces of Me in the car with someone else is a cautious moment - especially when someone like marc is sitting shotgun while your drive his car. You have to look with a hesitating little smile. You have to slowly turn the volume on those first guitar strums up. Then you exchange a glance that says it is okay to finally be free, and sing with all your soul
it's as IF you KNEW me BETTer than i EVer knew mySE-ELF
What a great song. If only they wrote songs like that on Broadway, I thought. Then I remembered marc is the most important writer on Braodway so I shut my mouth somewhere around "like that on Broad-" .
;-) just kidding
i have only seen Hairspray once while out here... I have to go again. I have one of those permanent passes now - HAIRSPRAY ALL ACCESS. I like to pretend I am in the cast, I mutter things like "when's my call??" and "my agent keeps sending me commericals even though he KNOWS i only do film." Watching a broadway show from backstage is SO cool because you realize Broadway is exactly like all those plays you put on in high school only instead of one talented kid there are seventy. Other than that it's exactly the same only with better makeup that you don't have to put on yourself. A professional does that. I feel so important with my pass.