[[OOC - Crit and Contact]]

Nov 09, 2012 09:14

Crit and Contact Post.

Do you have a problem with my characterization? Disagree with my interpretation or just have any questions you want to ask me? This is the place to do it. Kyoko is an awesome character, and I often wonder whether she is too awesome for me to handle. If anything seems 'off' to you, or if you are confused something, please don't hesitate to email me or use this post to say so. Your input will enable me to learn and improve my portrayal of her and allow me understand where I've been going wrong.

Likewise, if you want to get a hold of me for any reason, please use this post or email me to do so. You can also find my messengers in the profile.
Comments are screened, anonymous commenting is on and IP logging is off. So don't be afraid to tell me how you really feel!

crit, ooc, contact

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