"I had to make a tent out of corrated iron.....and leaves."

Aug 04, 2004 00:23

As I have been reading in my friends' posts, I need to do this, too. Though I never would have if they hadn't.

I am a survivor of sexual and emotional partner abuse.
No pity. No shame. No silence.

Thanks to Misia, whom I don't even know, for starting this.


There is a lot on my mind right now.
Things are good, but there's a lot on my mind.


I step out of his large, beautiful, white house in the suburbs
Kiss my friend goodbye
He comments on the cool air
It's crisp, calm
The way September air should be
I think of camping
Nights in the woods, on rocks, beside ocean
My breaths remind me of a boy
My Hurricane Island Boy

I'd like to be on the side of a quarry cliff with him right now.

No showers
All smiles

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