
Jan 17, 2009 15:35

I moderate a public forum in boston. It's slow and like I said public. so trolls come out often and leave one posts saying they think parents of kids with allergies are entitled. Or whatnot.

Here is a post that makes me see red. It was in a thread where a mom asks if there are any other older mom's out there. And there has been an awesome outpouring of posts of women who had their children after 40. It's been really nice and I have enjoyed reading it.

Here is the last post:

"Why have a child at 40, 41, 42, 43? Have you even thought about the kid's life? I don't understand this mentality. So, you're 63 and the kid is barely 20. I lost my father at 28 and it was the hardest thing I ever experienced.
I just don't get why the drive to be a mother outweighs the child's rights. Graduating college - and your 67? Its so far beyond selfish that it makes me so sad for the kid that has to say, 'no that's my mom, not my grandmother' or has to experience wonderful life experiences (their own marriage/childbirth) ALONE, with no mother. It's terrible. And I wish people would think about that."

I responed right after that with this:

"I think this thread has been really wonderful and affirming to older moms. Each time I came to read I felt really happy to see such an outpouring of posts in our sometimes quiet board.

Mom's get beat up so much about our choices. We are all trying to do the best we can don't you all think? Let's keep this thread supportive toward these moms.

We can always start a thread about what we personally missed out in our childhood and how that affects our own parenting choices to talk about that issue. I think this thread calls for support.


Vee "

should I say more? delete this post. If it the users one and only post so far. Most likely their last. Should I be less police-y. I'm really angry and I'm the only Decider ( Ha!) on the board so I can do what I want. but I don't want to be the Decider. but I don't like stupid crap like that.

what ya think?

( I'll link if you want too -
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