Apr 18, 2005 12:34
I suppose I should update so no one will think I've vanished or something.
I have been having A LOT of trouble with my fucking jaw again. I yawned a couple of weeks ago and heard a loud crackle in my ear and strange almost shock-like tingling. I have had dull to severe pain in my teeth, jaw, ear, temple and brain for over two weeks. It feels like someone is jabbing an ice pick into my ear and even the cartilage in my outer ear hurts. I honestly thought I might have a brain tumor at first cuz it started with the nonstop headache. I have finally gone one whole day without a headache and the symptoms have relieved a bit. I have discovered that if I hardly talk, refrain from singing with the radio in the car, eat soft food or nothing at all, and take mass quantities of ibuprofen, I can get it to a tolerable state. I'm going to the dentist tomorrow...since my jaw has come out of alignment more I have two molars hitting wrong on the opposite side of the trouble. Maybe he can give me some muscle relaxers or something. Can Dentists prescribe stuff like that?
Its amazing how one can adapt to a certain level of pain and just accept it. Those endorphins kick in and you can deal with it. I did manage to go to a concert last week. Imagine going to see four Swedish metal bands with a headache any other time. eek!!! We saw Mnemic (who were awesome), Hypocrisy, Dark Tranquility and Soilwork (who also kicked major ass). I took Rich and his friend. They were up front...I found a comfy spot with a view back by the bar. There was plenty of fine 'eye candy' from where I was. Love those long haired men! We met some of the guys from Mnemic hanging out outside on the way to our car and stopped to talk. They were really nice guys and had cool Swedish accents.
Sad to say I had to go to another funeral last week. My sweet Uncle Jack passed away. He was 89 and had emphysema (although one of my relatives thinks he had undiagnosed lung cancer) He was a heavy smoker. I'm sure he is content now, cuz he is with his beloved Ruth who died in '86'. Uncle Jack was such a positive guy! He was always able to see the silver lining. He loved to find treasure with his metal detector...and by God he did find some cool stuff! The cool thing was at his funeral, which was just a graveside service (which was so Unc..nothing fancy), there was a sailor who blew Taps on the bugle. It was awesome...very touching.
I've decided to buy myself an Ipod Mini for my birthday. I bought Rich one of the bigger ones for his bday (he got it early) and he loves it. I don't need as much gig for me...1000 songs will do fine for me.
Rich's band was supposed to play at a birthday party over the weekend, but the drummer and lead guitarist had something come up that they couldn't make it...so Rich, being the showman that he is, took his amp and his guitar and played solo. Hahaa..he even signed some autographs. These were just a group of friends...nothing major, but I think its cool that he is confident enough to take it on. He loves the attention I'm sure! You know...I think the kid may just make his mark someday!
Other than the typical day in, day out grind of living....nothing terribly exciting has been going on. So until something happens, or I get an urge to express myself...I bid you adieu!