Nov 29, 2011 13:22
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Deal: $55 for Style Cut, Colour, Wash, Treatment and Blow Dry
Company: Glamour Hairstyle and Beauty, 2/262 Church St, Parramatta NSW 2150
My hair is really thick and grows quickly, so I was definitely feeling the need for some scissor action. It took a month or two to wait for a good hair deal though, but finally there was one in my local area that was relatively cheap. I checked out their Facebook page and it seemed like people were happy with the service too. (Or so it seemed…)
I called up soon after I received the voucher and made an appointment for the week after. I wasn’t completely confident that I would get everything I was entitled to, because the lady didn’t seem to know much about the voucher.
The next week, I left work early to head to Parramatta for my appointment. It took me a little while to find the place because it wasn’t where Google Maps said it was. In fact, I had passed it already, and had to cross the road back to the 7-11 it was next to.
The place wasn’t very big, with about four or five salon chairs against one wall and a couch where a few ladies were waiting already. One of the senior hairdressers came over and once again, didn’t seem to know much about the voucher. Not that it mattered because I was told I would have to wait. They were short on two staff members and really busy, so I should come back in 30 minutes.
It was annoying that I had left work early just to make sure I didn’t miss the appointment, but I could handle a half hour delay. I tried on tons of things at a clothes store I had passed on my way but didn’t buy anything. Going back, I was told it would be another 20 minutes. Annoying, but there was a shoe store nearby and after bothering the saleslady with many requests for sizes, I ended up buying a pair of shoes. I was back in the store about 30-40 minutes later and after waiting a bit longer, I was finally in the chair.
By this stage, I had waited nearly an hour and a half and looking at how they were STILL busy, I knew I wouldn’t get out of there any time soon. I was tired, hungry, and had to get up early for work the next day. So I rescheduled the appointment for a Saturday in two weeks time and left. A waste of my night, considering I had been looking forward to having a new do for that weekend.
So two weeks later, I headed back over to Parramatta. I called up to let them know I was probably going to be about 10-15 mins late. They seemed pretty accommodating which was good because I didn’t want to forfeit the voucher. I ended up being only about 5 minutes late and then I had to wait for about 5-10 minutes more anyway.
Finally I was sitting in the hairdresser chair again! The senior hairdresser helped me select a colour to dye my hair. I wanted a mahogany brown and the one she picked was called exactly that. I was a little worried the colour wouldn’t turn out on my black hair, but I just let her guide me into this choice. I’m not good with making decisions and hadn’t really thought this colouring thing through properly.
One of the more junior hairdressers started dying my hair and I was a tiny bit concerned when a senior hairdresser came over to supervise. The junior didn’t seem to have had much experience, but from the sound of things, she hadn’t messed my hair up.
This was probably the best part of the experience. I just relaxed and read my book while the dye set in. There was bit of dye on my face, but I figured I could wash it off later. When my time was up, I was led to the sink so they could wash my hair. They replaced the towel around my neck and this time applied a triple layer made up of towels and a gown. It was all clipped a bit tight around my neck, but I got used to it.
While I was at the sink, someone washed my hair, applied a treatment, and then washed the treatment out. I also got a head massage, though it was more painful than relaxing since she was pressing pretty hard into my skull.
Once I was back in the chair for my haircut, the only male hairdresser there took over. I told him I wanted my hair cut shorter, thinned out, and more shaped. Midway, I realised I shouldn’t have agreed to the length he indicated because my hair was still wet and it would be even shorter once dry. I don’t think anyone’s cut my hair while it was wet before.
He snipped around A LOT. It definitely was going shorter than I wanted. I kept asking for it thinner. He gave me what seemed like a bit of a fringe which I hadn’t asked for. He asked what kind of blow dry I wanted and I was confused. I think I said something about just a normal one, making my hair straight. He said he’ll do a style blow dry and I could see what it was like.
It was terrible. My hair gets a lot of volume when you blowdry it and he was doing these complicated in-out curls. I looked like the lead actress from Hairspray. Or a bloody poodle. I said I didn’t like all this volume, I wanted my hair thinner. He ended up straightening everything and kept cutting more. It was too short at the front, I couldn’t tie my hair up properly coz half of it wouldn’t be in the ponytail.
He kept straightening and snipping and in the end, I wasn’t sure if I liked what I saw. It seemed like the top layer of hair was still quite voluminous. He said I could come back if I wanted more off.
All the cutting and messing around with blowdryers and straighteners had taken so long. I thought I’d be out of there in 2 hours, but I ended up staying for more than 3 hours.
Afterwards when I got home, I looked in the mirror and hated my look. It was too rough, too shaggy, I looked like a dog. It wasn’t feminine. The top layer was cut so short. You couldn’t even really tell it was dyed, I should have picked a lighter brown so it would show up in my hair.
I washed it again and all this brown dye came out. After drying, it didn’t improve, it was worse because I didn’t bother with the straightening at all. It looked like my mum’s permed do with extra length, almost a mullet.
One of the worst haircuts I ever received. The hairdresser seemed to have his own agenda. Maybe I shouldn’t have given him such free reign, but I don’t know what he was thinking. I look terrible and it was hard to turn it into something half-decent for work. I’ve made an appointment to get it fixed up next week. I don’t want to spend the rest of the year looking like a bogan!
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