Heroic Dramatics Chapter Nine

May 23, 2015 05:48

Title: Heroic Dramatics
Pairing(s): Eventual Linkara/Spoonette; Spoony/80s Chick; one-sided Linksano/Spoonette
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 17,778
Warning(s): Violence, off-screen character death
Summary: Having been rejected as an actress and with nothing left to lose, Spoonette takes her brother’s place in the US Space Corps to fight off the coming threat of Lord Vyce. Now, she has to deal with army drills, her high school stalker with the ability to hack the Pentagon, and a captain who is both way hot and way annoying. Bogus.
Author’s Note: Inspired by this prompt, though I don’t really know if it qualifies as a fill for it. Special thanks to pompoko and
ladydiskette for beta-ing, and of course
robynred, and
lizynob for their lovely bonus content

The troops they had were placed as quickly as possible. Within three days, they were at least in a position to fight.

Vyce arrived on the sixth day.

After so much time waiting, Spoonette was almost glad to see the approaching warship-just one, which was a small mercy. It was just her and Linksano left on the ship, just as she had ordered. The remaining crew had either been evacuated to faraway military hospitals or were down on the ground with the rest of the soldiers, strategically placed throughout the city. The civilians had all been evacuated to various shelters away from the city. Spoonette could only hope that they would have something to return to.

“Ready, Linksano?” she called as soon as Vyce’s ship was in range.

“Ready.” His voice was regretful. “It’s been an honor, Captain Antwiler.”

Spoonette smiled sadly to herself. “Hail him.”

It took a moment before Vyce flickered on screen. Spoonette looked at him without fear. There was no need for it now.

“So,” Vyce began. “You’re still alive.”

“I am,” Spoonette answered. “And I still defend the earth. And I will stop you, even if it takes my final breath, because this is my home, and even though I am the last to defend it, I will save it.”

“You are a fool,” Vyce proclaimed. “Your earth is pitiful and it will be conquered. You will be destroyed and my humiliation will be avenged.”

“So go on!” Spoonette called. “I’m the only thing between you and the earth, so go ahead and take it!”

“I will,” Vyce said. “And all will see you fall!” He disappeared.

“Linksano, start shooting!” Spoonette ordered. She didn’t know what was coming, but she wasn’t going down without a few holes in Vyce’s ship.

“Aye, Captain!”

Spoonette braced herself as the first round was exchanged. “Keep all power in the forward lance!” she commanded. “Fire at will!”

The ship shook from Vyce’s attack. “Information,” Nimue said. “Shields damaged.”

“Keep shooting!” Spoonette shouted. There didn’t seem to be any damage to Vyce’s ship, but that didn’t deter her.

“Captain, you might want to come down here!” Linksano called.

“Is there trouble?”

“No, but it’s safer than the bridge.”

Before Spoonette could reply, there was a flash of light, and then someone hit her on the head and she was knocked out.


“Captain Antwiler, report! Captain!”

Static answered and Linkara threw down the communicator. They were too far away to see what was going on, but Linkara knew that Spoonette would never leave her post. Not until she was dead.

He looked to his men. “She’s gone,” he said. His voice was thick, but it didn’t shake. “Prepare for battle.”

The men snapped into action, readying their guns and getting into position, waiting, though some of them were swallowing back the tears of losing one of their commanders.

But instead of a warship, there was a flash of blue light above the White House and a small figure in gold was beamed onto the roof.

“Spoonette!” Linkara cried, starting forward, but before he could get to the building, there was a second flash and Lord Vyce had appeared beside her. He stepped forward and grasped her by the neck, lifting her up. Linkara stopped as Vyce began to speak, his voice amplified so the entire city could hear him.

“Your attempts to fight are pathetic,” he said. “Your world will soon fall to me. And your champion will die as I see fit.”

Spoonette began to struggle weakly, trying to push against Vyce’s wrists. Vyce stared at her for a moment before he let go. She hit the roof hard, but got back up and took a fighting stance.

Linkara looked to his men as they reached the steps to the White House. “Does anyone have a rope?” he asked.

*What do you need a rope for?* the Ninja Style Dancer asked.

“I need to get to her!” Linkara shouted.

“Dude, you don’t need a rope for that,” 90s Kid said.


“You can just take the stairs,” 90s Kid pointed out.

“That will take too long!”

*Would you prefer to climb the pillars?* the Ninja Style Dancer asked. *Because you are nowhere near as light as Captain Antwiler and they would only get you halfway to her.*

Linkara sighed. “Fine, I’ll take the goddamned stairs!”


Spoonette knew she couldn’t win. She knew that in a fair fight, Vyce could wipe the floor with her, even if she wasn’t already injured. And she knew that he wasn’t going to fight fair.

She was going to die here, on the roof of the White House, as slowly and painfully as Vyce could manage. Be an example. A victim to strike fear into the hearts of the other people on Earth.

But she was not going to die lying down. As much as she wanted to live, she could at least die strong. Not a victim, but a hero. A symbol.

She stood up. Her chest was aching again and she wondered if her ribs had re-broken, but she faced Vyce without any fear.

“You are strong,” Vyce acknowledged. “You could have been a great warrior.”

“What do you mean, could have been?” Spoonette asked. “I am a great warrior.”

Vyce aimed his wrist at her and fired a laser blast from a mounted gun. It hit Spoonette’s left knee and she fell, her hand flying out instinctively. She heard a sickening crack from her wrist as she hit the shingles. Her whole body hurt now, but she struggled to her feet again. Her leg trembled, but she remained standing.

“You cannot keep getting up forever,” Vyce said.

“Watch me,” Spoonette snapped. She managed to pull a small knife from her pocket and held it out, ready to fight.

Vyce aimed again and hit her other knee, but this time she stayed standing in spite of the pain. She forced her tears back. She would not show weakness in front of him.

“You try my patience,” he said.

“You try mine.” Her legs couldn’t possibly hold her much longer…

Vyce seemed to hesitate, considering her. “Who are you, girl?”

She smiled. “My name is Eleanor Abigail Antwiler,” she said. “Commonly known as Spoonette, Captain of Comicron-One, Third Girl in Bar in Buzzkill IV, sister to Noah Antwiler, and the person who is going to kick your ass.” She took her fighting stance again, her pocket knife pathetically small but all she had.

“You cannot stop me,” Vyce said.

“But I will.”

Before Vyce could reply, there was a blast of laser fire from behind Spoonette. She turned to see Linkara dash through the door to the roof and come towards them. The blast did nothing to Vyce, but Linkara was undeterred.

“Hey! Back off!” Linkara shouted.

Vyce merely stepped forward, backhanded Spoonette across the face, hard enough to make her fall again, and met Linkara head on.

Linkara did not back down. He kept shooting even though it was useless. Spoonette managed to struggle to her feet again, but Vyce was no longer paying attention to her. She watched for a moment as Vyce back Linkara to the very edge of the roof, not that he was in that much danger, but even a fall to the balcony below would give Vyce an advantage. There wasn’t much Linkara could actually do to hurt him, so she did what she always did-the stupidest thing she could think of.

She ran towards Vyce, ignoring the pain in her legs, and leaped, tackling him from behind and stabbing her small knife into his armor. It bounced off harmlessly, but her weight was just enough to knock him down, and then they were grappling on the roof. Spoonette was pinned easily and Vyce had his gun to her head. She swung her knife again, throwing him off balance enough for her to push him off. She grabbed the arm with the mounted gun and started trying to detach the gun.

Vyce hit her with the other hand, but she didn’t let go, just pulled harder.

Another weight joined them for a moment as Linkara threw himself at Vyce and knocked him away from Spoonette. Between his body weight and Spoonette’s hold, the arm gun broke away from Vyce’s wrist and into Spoonette’s hand. Spoonette stood up and aimed the gun, but she didn’t dare shoot while Linkara was in the way.

Vyce threw Linkara off and turned on Spoonette, who fired the gun immediately. This time, Vyce faltered as a hole was blasted through his armor. Spoonette fired again and Vyce fell. She stepped forward, the gun at his head.

“You will not win,” he said. “Even if you kill me, my forces will destroy your earth!”

As if on cue, Spoonette’s communicator crackled into life. “Oh Captain, my Captain!” Linksano called.

“Linksano!” Spoonette cried, raising her wrist and keeping the gun trained on Vyce. “Where are you?”

“Right above you!” Linksano said happily. “Preventing the debris from Vyce’s ship from hitting you!”

“What?” Vyce snarled.

“How?” Spoonette asked.

“Oh, it was easy! The idiot beamed in and out of the bridge, which gave Nimue his ship’s coordinates and beaming patterns. So I beamed over and found the master control room, which was shockingly easy to hack into. Not as easy as leaving the switches right by an entry hatch, but I had set the self-destruct and beamed back out in less than fifteen minutes!”

Spoonette smirked. “Thank you, Linksano.” She looked to Linkara. “Do we want to kill this asshole?”

Linkara stood up and Spoonette could see anger in his eyes, but he still shook his head. “No,” he said. “I’d love to, but he is technically a foreign sovereign. Geneva Convention and all.”

“I don’t want your mercy,” Vyce growled.

“Which is why you’re going to live,” Linkara said.

“Linksano, beam this piece of shit up,” Spoonette ordered. “Put him in the brig and get as many soldiers and you need to watch him.”

“Yes, Captain.” There was a flash of light and Vyce was gone.

“We can’t keep him there too long,” Linkara pointed out.

“It won’t be too long,” Spoonette said. “Just until Congress decides what to do with him.”

“So…he’s gonna be there forever…”

Spoonette started to laugh, but then a sudden exhaustion overtook her as all of her injuries started to hurt again. Her knees buckled and she fell.

Linkara ran and caught her before she hit the ground. He lowered her down gently, helping her lie in a more comfortable position. “Jesus Christ!” he exclaimed, seeing the tears in her uniform and the bruises forming on her skin. “What happened to you?”

“Concussion, one knee definitely twisted, the other at least burned, ribs snapped again, wrist probably sprained,” she murmured. Her eyes were closing.

“Don’t you dare go to sleep!” Linkara ordered. He leaned over the edge of the roof. “90s Kid, tell the rescue team to get up here immediately!”

Spoonette smiled slightly as Linkara returned to her side. “Keep your eyes on me,” he said. “I know it hurts, but you have to stay awake.”

“I know,” she said. Her good hand found his and clutched it tight. “What did we learn?”

He laughed quietly. “I learned that you are far stronger than anyone else on Earth,” he said. “You?”

She smiled. “Same thing as last time,” she answered. “No mattresses on a battlefield.”

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character: dr. linksano, character: harvey finevoice, character: 90's kid, character: spoonette, character: pollo, big bang, character: boffo the clown, character: spoony, character: linkara, character: ninja-style dancer, character: lord vyce, character: other, fanfic, character: oc, tgwtg, character: nimue

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