Dear Yuletide Writer

Oct 20, 2014 17:29

Dear Yuletide Writer,

Below are letters regarding my requested fandoms. I am assuming that you volunteered at least one of them, otherwise this will be really awkward. Each fandom is behind a cut to keep my journal relatively neat, so click on whichever one you intend to write for my suggestions/gushing.

Thank you,

Butterfly Slinky

The Squire's Tales

I first came across these books when I was in middle school and still frequented my local library. I lived in a pretty small town with a very small library, and their YA section had a grand total of one three-level shelf. But on this shelf was a full series, so my sister and I, starved of good books since both Harry Potter and A Series of Unfortunate Events were over, decided to pick them up. The covers were fun and we loved sword and sorcery stories, so we figured why not?

We soon found that we loved these books almost beyond any others--yes, even Harry Potter. We read every single one of them, sometimes staying up well past our bedtimes to do so, asked for the next book for Christmas four years running, and when I was an adult with money, I bought the first six books off Amazon for a penny each, and whenever my sister and I get together, I read them to her while she's driving or cooking dinner.

So you can understand how excited I was when I saw this fandom on the list. I know that we don't have many fics for it, even though the world is rife with possibilities, and I am so happy that at least one other person knows and loves these books.

So, for a fic, I will be thrilled with anything at all, but if you need more guidance, my favorite characters in the series are Tarence and Dinadan (who sadly was not on the character list). I really love the dynamic between Tarence and Gawain, and their shenanigans are always a lot of fun. I guess that's my advice if you're writing this--keep it fun. Adventure stories, with them fighting monsters or mending relationships, are love. Slash is fine, but not necessary (this is my childhood, after all), and any relationships you see will probably satisfy me.

I will, of course, accept any characters, both on the nomination list or otherwise. Happy writing!

The Princess Bride

This movie holds a very special place in my heart. It is one of the first movies I remember watching with my family, taped off TV before I was born, and I am always aghast if I come across someone who hasn't seen it, and for very good reason--my older brother is named Wesley, explicitely after the film, though with a different spelling.

I have also read the book, which is a treasure, so if you want to write using bits from the book, that's fine with me. (Heck, filling in some of the "cut scenes" could be interesting.) However, since the nomination is for the film, I'll keep my requests to that.

I will not object to anything you wish to writer, dear author, but if you need more guidance, I would prefer a fun, adventurous story about any of these characters fighting against Prince Humperdink or whoever is threatening them, with all the twue wuv and banter one would expect from them.

Thank you, and happy writing!


I first became aware of Starkid Productions through their Very Potter Musical (as many did), which was brilliant. I watched every one of their shows, and Starship is my second-favorite (after Holy Musical B@man).

So for this, seeing the nominated characters, I ask for a silly adventure about them traversing the galaxy and the strange things they find. You can go anywhere you want with that, but please don't make it too dark--it is a parody production after all.

If you want to refresh your memory on the show, you can watch it here.

Thank you and happy writing!


I have been reading Calvin&Hobbes since I was seven or eight, and loving it from the start. I have read almost all of the strips (though not very recently). What I love about it is the philosophy, the creativity, and the silliness in face of serious topics. Hobbes is my favorite character in the strip, and I think one of the best characters of all time, with how calm and rational he is while still being prone to emotional outbursts.

So keep it fun, but don't be afraid to go into deeper territory if the fancy strikes you. I don't know how well the transition from comic strip to prose works, but I trust that you can do it if you choose.

If you need a refresher or inspiration, the strip can be found here.

Thank you and happy writing!

Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead

My first encounter with this play was the film adaptation starring Gary Oldman. It was a video that had sat in my parents' movie cupboard since before I was born (they have a lot of tapes like that) and I didn't watch it until the summer before my junior year of high school. But then I did, and I loved it.

I read the full play in AP English and loved it even more, and yes, my copy has tons of highlighting and notes in it. This was a play I could think about and laugh at at the same time, and as someone who never liked Hamlet (even the David Tenant version), I found it highly enjoyable and true.

So, for a fanfic, give me philosophy. Give me extended scenes with even more exploration about existence and morality. Try to keep it funny, but if you want to focus on philosophy, that's fine too.

Thank you and happy writing!


I'm gonna level with you--this is my "gimme" selection. This is the movie I chose to put on my list so that if none of the above strike your fancy, this is an easy one to fill for.

Please understand--for the last six months or so, I have been up to my neck in Mulan, as I am writing a modern-day retelling for a Big Bang challenge. I have watched this movie about four times in six months, along with reading the TVTropes page and doing a lot of research.

So honestly, I don't have many requests for it. An exploration of Mulan and Shang's relationship during the training? Their life after the war? AU where they meet in a coffee shop or something inane like that? I don't care, as long as it's silly and Disney and doesn't get that song stuck in my head. You know which song.

If you need a refresher on it, it is on Netflix Instant and is only an hour long.

Thank you and happy writing!


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