Made for Him Part Two

Sep 12, 2013 06:48

I left one alive. I drove him mad with pain and the memories of what had happened, but I allowed him to live. He would carry me out of that place, take me somewhere safe.

And he did. I refused to fire for him, knowing the darkness deep in his soul, but I remained with him. He wandered the countryside for years, his mental capacities deteriorating with every step. I stayed in his pocket, or in his hand, guiding him with little whispers. Seeing the world with him, learning how awful it truly was.

But I could feel that there was a place for me, that there was someone who would truly care for me, or there would be. It was a long time before I could even begin to find him. I was made long before he was even born. And we still wandered for a long time before he was old enough to understand, experienced enough to be truly good. Several times, I despaired of finding him.

But I did. I felt his presence to the north and directed the man who carried me to him, forcing him to keep walking without rest until we got there. I knew when I saw him. He was young, barely more than a teenager, but he was good. A Champion. I could feel it. And I knew I was meant for him.

“Give me to that man,” I whispered in the ear of the madman. He was so used to obeying me by then that he did it without question. As soon as I was safe in the hand of my partner, the madman wandered off. I don’t know what happened to him, nor did I particularly care. I had found my partner. I had found my home.

My partner didn’t even seem fazed by it. He simply tried my powers and smiled before tucking me in his pocket and returning to his lunch.

Linkara has cared for me well. He’s not always been perfect, but he cares about me. And I know he’s good. Even when there were stumbling blocks, he remained good.

He never abandoned me. When he thought he had lost me, he went on a long journey just to get me back. Even when another man took me, he came to get me back. He refused to let anyone else have me. That’s more than anyone else has ever done.

I know I made the right choice. That he was the right partner. Maybe not a perfect partner, but the right one.

When he learned who I was, he was kind to me. He told me, in his heart, that he would protect me. That no one would hurt me anymore.

I fought with him because he cared. Because he gave me something to fight for. Something good. I held back at first, knowing that he was young, that there was some darkness in him, as there is in everyone, but I helped him as much as I could.

I wasn’t always certain. There have been times he’s strayed. Times he’s not been so good. But he always remembered who he was and got back on track. He only needed someone to show him the way and remind him who he was.

“You’re my partner. My friend.”

When we finally spoke, face to face, I told him I wanted him to be better. And he’s tried. He’s truly tried. We’re better now than ever. And we’ll stick together until the end. I won’t leave him again.

I had waited too long to let him go. I waited so many years for someone to be good enough. I wouldn’t let him stray. I won’t wait anymore.

I’ll keep him on track, no matter what it takes.

When I was taken from him, I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t refuse to work for the new man-I saw his heart, and I knew he was good. And I knew that Linkara had unlocked enough magic in us both that my full potential could be unleashed. I had to get back to Linkara and show him that he was good enough. So I whispered a few words to the gunslinger, to let him know how much Linkara needed me.

“I’m his partner,” I said quietly. “And he’s the Champion. You can’t take me away. He needs me.”

He didn’t listen. Only whispered, “I’m sorry. But we need you more.”

“But I was meant for him.”

“All the guns were meant for someone. Does no good once that person’s gone.”

“He’s not gone. He’ll come for me.”

“He has to catch me first. I’m sorry, little one. Maybe when I’ve freed my people, I’ll bring you back.”

But I knew Linkara would come. I knew he would take me back.

And he did. He found me. He was happy to see me again. And I happily helped him destroy something precious. I didn't know what it was. Neither of us knew anything but what the man had done. How he had almost separated us for good. So we both lashed out in anger.

But being partners means we fail together as well as succeed.

He was waiting for me, too. I can see that, even if he never knew it. We were meant to be a team. I was made for him, even though no one else knew it, either.

He waited years to find me. To find his purpose. And once he did, he did everything he needed to do to fulfill it, to be a good partner to me. And when he found his purpose, I found mine.

If this is what my life had been leading up to, I’m happy. I can’t think of a more fulfilling purpose than saving the world, especially with someone so good. And even when we make mistakes, we do well. We learn to be better, together. We can’t be perfect. After all, we’re only human.

He offered me up. I knew that he meant it when he did. He was willing to give me away.

But I knew that it wasn’t out of malice or selfishness. I knew it was because he knew I was needed elsewhere. I knew that letting me go would be a true sacrifice for him.

I would be sad to leave him. I had found so much good with him, so much purpose. I was so glad when Jaeris didn’t accept the offer. I was so happy that I’d be allowed to stay with my partner, the one I was made for.

We’ve spent so much time together. Me and Linkara. Partners, now and forever, like we were meant to be. A power, like I was made to be. The Champion, like he was born to be.

I worry about him sometimes. He’s threatened so often and I always have to be there to protect him. I can never leave him as long as he lives. I’ll stay here, building another lifetime of memories. I’m still learning so much from him, just like he’s learning from me.

And one day, I know we’ll be the best team the multiverse has ever seen. Someone may defeat us someday, but I know we’ll put up the best fight we can, that we’ll never be separated for good until he is gone.

But I don’t want to think about that time.

The last thing I remember is tonight, with him. Even though it takes so much energy for me to manifest in solid form, I did it for tonight. Tonight is a night for celebration.

This is the day I found him, so many years ago. And I want to celebrate it with him.

So I appear before him and smile. He smiles back. “Hey, Margaret,” he says with genuine delight.

“Hey,” I say back. “Happy anniversary.”

“Is it?” He smiles apologetically. “I’m sorry, I’ve kind of lost track of time.”

“That’s okay.”

“So what do you want to do?

“Well,” I say. “Will you dance with me?”

He smiles as he puts some music on his computer and takes my hands. “I’d love to.”

The music is upbeat and happy, not like the lullabies I remember. It speaks of friendship and happiness, and promises that are more real than vague whispers of purity and forever. We dance all around the living room, not caring how silly we look. No one else is here to laugh at us, but we laugh at ourselves, because neither one of us is a very good dancer. But that’s all right, as long as it’s just him.

And no one is going to separate us.

We dance until we’re too exhausted to continue and we both fall down on the futon, still giggling.

“Thank you,” I say.

“No,” he answers. “Thank you.”

I have a friend. I have a partner. And he is good, and we are happy.

Maybe living forever isn’t so bad.

big bang, music, character: linkara, fanfic, character: margaret, character: jaeris the gunslinger, character: zelda, tgwtg

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