Jul 09, 2010 03:12
So instead of my brother living with us, he has figured out that maybe he will be able to afford his own place. And if he needs help starting out, we'll help. I think this will be better for us all.
I went over to his current place today and we talked about stuff for like half an hour. It was almost like maybe some day we'll actually get along and want to hang out with each other every once in awhile...
Who knows... I have actually tried which is very unlike me. I had invited him a few times to our place for dinner. He never took me up on it, but I wasn't really expecting him to. Part of me hoped that he would. I guess at this point, I see that he is finally starting to grow up, FINALLY!! And it would be nice to have another family member to vent to about our stupid family shit...someone at least somewhat not freaking nuts! And I think part of me wants to be normal. Most siblings don't always get along when they're younger, but they grow up and get along. I think I want that. Part of me thinks it will never happen because there are so many years of bad blood between us, most of which was probably my fault...
On another note. I think I talk to my clients more than I do my friends. I see my clients for an hour maybe once a month... I seem to have more in common with strangers apparently
Another one. Wedding stuff is going well. We have a little over 9 months left and almost everything is done. All that's left is getting a DJ, deciding whether or not we are getting a photo booth, bride's maids' dresses and groom's mens' tuxes, save the date and wedding invitations, and if we are going to have a flower girl and ring bearer and who they will be. Just finalized flower stuff today. The flowers are going to be so pretty!!! I wish I could invite everyone just so they can see how gorgeous it's all going to be. Unfortunately, I've had to cut out a lot of people that I wanted to come. Even though I don't talk to you all anymore, I guarantee I think about you from time to time and wish we could afford to have you there!!