Molly II/Scorpius- Hurricane

May 27, 2010 13:25

Title: Hurricane
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Molly II/Scorpius
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 400
Summary: It's like thunder without the rain when your heart feels like its being torn from your chest.
Notes: Written for nextgen_drabble, Week 26: Molly II & Scorpius.

It's like thunder without the rain when your heart feels like its being torn from your chest. Seconds feel like minutes; minutes feel like hours; hours feel like days. Time all but stands still; logic takes a vacation while you wait to hear the voice of the person you loved the most again knowing that the next time you hear it that it won't be you that they're speaking to.

His voice echoes in the clicking of the clock on the wall; his scent lingers on the breeze; the ice cubes sound like him in the glass and his scent still lingers on the pillows, in her clothes. (She tucked all of his pictures away in a drawer where the memories could fester and morph into something that didn’t even resemble reality anymore.)

And when he comes to visit and sits with his new love, threads his fingers through hers and smiles when she speaks the hole grows and shifts and turns into this bleeding, gaping wound in her side. (Sometimes she thinks if they opened her chest up she'd be missing something important; her heart, a lung, a rib. It doesn’t matter what she'd be missing, only that something would in fact be gone.)

She knows it's over; he tells her himself.

"You don’t control who you love," he reminds her. "And I'm sorry that meant you had to get hurt."

But he lingers on besides her, his face in everything she says or does. (Sometimes she swears that she can see him when she looks in the mirror, a brief glimpse of him over her shoulder but when she blinks he's gone and the ache gets stronger; the betrayal gets worse.)

They once lived in love; once his fingers would be thread through hers. Once she wanted for nothing; once the future wasn’t so daunting. (Once there was light where it's now dark; once there was hope where there was now none. Once there was beauty that he had taken away when he took his heart back from her.)

The fire of lightning lights up the sky and its looks like Scorpius' face, another tug at her heart; another dash of salt in the wounds. (Her brain tries to tell her what her heart has forgotten; tries to remind her that she's so much stronger knows.)

The rain comes.

His face is washed from her window.

For now.

molly weasley ii, scorpius malfoy

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