Reno- Mouth Shut

Aug 25, 2006 12:56

Title: Mouth Shut
Final Fantasy: VII
Pairings/Characters: Reno, mention of several other characters
Rating: PG-13 for Reno's mouth and sexual undertones
Word Count: 569
Summary: There was one thing Reno was never good at.
Notes/Warnings: I apologize to Heather in advance for the 'Reno smoking' thing. I know your Reno doesn't and mine usually does not, but for this it fits.

Reno was never good at silence. It was part of his charm (though Elena would disagree) and people tended to be afraid when he would fall silent. Something had to be wrong with him.

Reno was never silent.

Growing up on the dirty streets of the Midgar slums, scrambling in fistfights to survive his mouth had gotten him into trouble more times than he could count. One too many words spoken about how easy a guy’s sister was and his shirt erupted in bright red, the sound of his nose turning to dust like a gong going off in his ears. And later when he would go home to tend to his swollen nose and his wounded pride he would mutter curses all along saying how one day he would get out of there, one day he would make them pay.

One day.

It was his mouth that had brought him to the Turks. Then it had seemed a salvation, now it seemed more of a curse. Ratty little street kid with stringy hair and a bad attitude wiping blood from the corner of his mouth: he was the picture of disgust, so he couldn’t understand why this guy in a crisp business suit- obviously ShinRa- had stopped him to speak to him. He spat at the guy’s feet, curled his lip, cussed him out, but the man remained calm, he remained the perfect picture of composure. “You want a way out, I will give you one.”

“What the fuck are you going to do for me?”

“Give you a chance for greater things.”

Fucking gullible, he would realize later on, because Tseng’s cool, crisp, promising words buried themselves deep inside his troubled little mind. Later he would go to where Tseng requested to meet him blabbering something about how he didn’t give a shit about ShinRa, that the idea of getting paid to kick ass had been just about too fucking awesome to pass up.

Over the years that mouth of his got him in more trouble than he could count with his fellow Turks. (Rude had almost broken his arm once when Reno had the poor taste to make a joke about him being bald, Elena had kneed him in the groin more times than he could count for whispering lewd comments in her ear, and every time he mouthed off to Tseng he would end up with desk duty for months.) Everyone always wondered why he never learned to keep his mouth shut.

He didn’t even know himself.

Standing alone sucking harshly on a cigarette as he gazed down at the ruins of Midgar he cursed his stupid mouth knowing it had caused the one person he ever really cared about (besides himself) to walk away. He fucked up- big time- and the odds of him being able to make amends were slim to none, so he threw himself a ‘pity me’ party, thinking about all the times she would lie beneath him, moaning out his name into the dark of night, and kicking himself in the head for being such a loud mouthed jerk.

He had chased the little ninja away

Reno knew he fucked up all the time, that he was loud and crude and stupid, so he wondered what he friends would think of his silence now, if they would worry or poke fun.

He had finally learned to keep his mouth shut.

ff_flashfic, reno

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