Title: Foolish
Author: blacksouledbutterfly (me)
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Draco/Hermione
Summary: I always knew you would be the one to make me cry....
22- Harry and Lucius
*Harry's prospective*
Ron was fuming when Hermione left.
I cant really blame him. I was angry as well.
Not so much for her having been with Draco. That, after all was her own choice and I had no reason to object in essence, but I was mad that she never told us that Draco was Danica’s father.
After all we’ve been through, after all we shared since we were eleven years old, I would have thought that she would be able to trust us enough to tell us something that important.
Maybe I have no right to be angry with her.
Ginny rubs my shoulder from her seat and I place my hand on her stomach.
Draco? Draco Malfoy?
How did that happen? How did she fall for him without us knowing it?
Were we that wound up in our own lives so much that we didn’t realize that Hermione loved our worst enemy?
Maybe we were horrible friends in school, relying on her for information and help with homework and never really stopping to think about Hermione.
Hermione as a person.
Hermione as family.
Though, I suppose we should have seen it.
Danica does look like Malfoy I suppose. Well, at least her hair it the same color as his and I suppose she has a bit of a Malfoy look to her.
Why didn’t we see it?
Or is it that we saw it and decided to ignore it? Did we see the clues right there in front of our noses and chose to ignore them because we were afraid it was true? Were we that afraid of losing her that we pushed it away for so long that we forgot?
My head hurts and I pinch my nose.
“Are you all right, Harry?”
“Fine, love,” I tell Ginny, forcing a smile.
Ginny’s eyes search my face and I know that she knows I’m not all right.
She puts her head on my shoulder. “Harry, she loves him.”
I feel myself tense. “I know that, Gin. I just…”
“You don’t understand.”
I nod. “No, I don’t understand. I mean, he’s Malfoy.”
“Draco,” she says. “His name is Draco.” She moves her head and reached up, grabbing my face between her two hands. “Harry, she cant help loving him. You don’t chose who you love. You just love them. it’s a force that cant be stopped no matter how much you try. Its like a tugging at your gut. Its painfully wonderful.”
I smile, cupping my hand over hers. “When did you get so smart?”
She looks briefly insulted, dropping her hands. “A long time ago, Harry Potter.”
I kiss her forehead, her nose, her temple. “I know, Virginia.”
Lillianna runs into the room and Ginny turns her attention to her, but my head stay on Hermione.
I hope she can be happy.
*Lucius's prospective*
My son is a fool.
He thinks I don’t know about him and that stupid mudblood whore’s daughter.
Danica? What kind of a stupid name is that? A muggle one. That’s what kind.
I have known all along about that child. That abomination.
She has the Malfoy charm, that cannot be denied, but she is tainted by the dirty blood of her mother.
The Malfoy name has been tarnished by that bastard child.
He had the perfect chance to join the Dark Lord. To have power. To marry a upstanding pureblood and have everything that this world could offer him, but he through it all away for that mudblood.
He seems determined to keep her.
To stay with that sorry excuse for a woman.
Maybe if his daughter were to disappear he would reconsider.
If he doesn’t come to his senses soon both that little girl and that bitch will disappear.
They are standing in the way of his greatness.
I will not allow them to destroy the Malfoy name.