Top Ten for gleeverse

Jan 10, 2012 04:19

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star55 January 10 2012, 09:53:45 UTC
Second 'sex' scene'
3x05: The First Time

Make of this scene whatever you will but the fact of the matter is that the way it was written makes it nothing more than pity sex. - I am SO glad that someone other than me realised that their sex was pity sex. Someone else said to me "well, Kurt and Blaine was make up sex", to which I had to respond "make up sex is SO much better than PITY sex". Yes, I am a bitch, no, I do not care.

Not only is Finn being a complete dunce by saying he has no future- remember when Burt offered you a full time job in the place you love to work, Finn? And he said was going to turn it over to you one day? No. Okay then. - Also this. ♥

Not only is the heat of the fireplace going to cause issues as the body heats up during sexual intercourse to begin with but talk about rug burns? Her butt will undoubtedly be sore from that. Furthermore losing your virginity isn’t a comfortable experience for a girl to begin with so chalk that up as a very unpleasant and short experience as we know through canon Finn can ( ... )


star55 January 10 2012, 10:01:38 UTC
PS - the rest of my comment got cut off due to character limit. >.<

Lovely pic choices as well as scene choices!


butterflys_fics January 10 2012, 10:10:35 UTC
Haha. Thanks.

Admittedly, most of my friends ship Finchel but I just can't. I find them a horrible example of a 'endgame/good couple' on a television show. If people want to ship them that's fine but I don't and I never will.


star55 January 10 2012, 10:12:40 UTC
You're welcome.

Oh, agreed so much. A lot of my friends do as well but I never saw the appeal, not when they're so destructive towards each other in and out of the relationship.

Thanks for making my night! ♥


butterflys_fics January 10 2012, 10:22:04 UTC
Haha. Glad I could help. ♥


tinylegacies January 10 2012, 14:06:57 UTC
I find them a horrible example of a 'endgame/good couple' on a television show. If people want to ship them that's fine but I don't and I never will.

I've seen the argument that they're just teenagers, which, okay... there's actually a fair amount of ridiculousness that I've forgiven this show because the characters are teenagers (not you, Will Schuester) but what bothers me about Finchel is the same thing that made me quit watching Veronica Mars in season three - they NEVER grow or change or learn from their mistakes. And what frustrates me even more is that the writers are obviously capable of writing good character arcs (hello Puck and Santana).


frozen_ballad January 10 2012, 20:22:52 UTC
I'm also with you on the pity sex thing, that was a huge alarm going off in my head once it had clicked and none of my friends agreed with me (there's an IM conversation somewhere where I was ranting about it).

Their relationship (especially during the breakup in season 2) reminds me of one of my friend's relationship's when she and her ex-boyfriend were on-again-off-again and she didn't understand why he kept breaking up with her


star55 January 10 2012, 20:31:49 UTC
That was a massive 'noooooo' moment for me. I was pretty shocked about it that Rachel would let her first time with Finn be pity sex. He was no angel, either, of course. It still makes me shudder.


frozen_ballad January 10 2012, 20:35:58 UTC
That made me go from "Gurl what are you doing?" to my headcanon of "aww look at them cuddling!" It was just n an awkward place for it to happen.


star55 January 10 2012, 20:40:01 UTC
Pretty much!! I can think of so many other places, ways, etc for that entire scene to have happened better.


frozen_ballad January 10 2012, 20:43:57 UTC
A bed would have been a nice start.


star55 January 10 2012, 20:47:16 UTC
Haha, yes! Something softer and less harsh than carpet. Seriously, ow!!


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