Title: Surprise Vaction
butterflys_ficsRating: K+/PG
Words: 592
fic_variations Prompt/Claim: Love & Hate, Time: FFVII
Theme: 37) Snow, 43) Nerves, 48) Gently & 52) Never (
Spoilers: the core game
Warnings: Brief mentions of sex
Author's Notes: None.
It has been a very long time since Elena had last felt very much at ease. Normally her nerves were on high and she couldn’t find a way to calm herself no matter how hard she tried. It was times like these, when she was completely at ease, that she felt luckier than she could imagine.
Never in her life did she expect to be this at ease merely by looking out at the falling snow. She couldn’t even remember the last time she had managed to find the time to watch the snow fall. Life had kept her so busy that it was truly a rare occurrence that she could find the time to indulge in even the slightest bit of down time. Free time, vacations, hobbies, they were all things she knew very little if nothing of anymore, and she had grown used to it.
“You seem to be enjoying yourself.”
“I like the snow.”
She remembered being utterly shocked when Tseng had suggested they take the weekend off. It was a rare occurrence that Tseng took any time off for himself. It was an equally rare occurrence when he suggested to one of his fellow Turks that they take any time off. Furthermore, he had never actually offered to take time off with Elena and go somewhere before. For the most part their relationship was confined to casual glances at meetings and stolen, fumbling sexual encounters in locked offices and closets. This was something that happened in a real relationship, not the poor imitation of one they were living, and she had been almost positive that Tseng had no desire to venture into the territory of a real relationship.
She wasn’t stupid, however, and she knew it would have, in fact, been stupid to say no to him when he asked her to go with him. So, she agreed, silently contemplating the seemingly thousands of reasons why Tseng would suddenly do something so uncharacteristic, but she found herself utterly unable to figure out the man she had been sleeping with for nearly a year already. It seemed the more time she spent with him the less she truly understood him and that thought alone was frustrating beyond belief. She accepted it, of course, and had fallen in love with him despite it, but it still frustrated her to no end whatsoever.
She also knew, deep down in the most logical part of her mind, that Tseng would most likely never tell her he loved her, even if he did in fact come to love her one day. It would have been to uncharacteristic of him to do so, she reasoned, and she had come to terms with that fact long, long ago. True, she would have loved it if he fell for her the way she had for him, but she would take him however she could get him and if that meant merely sleeping with him without any promises then she would take it.
Tseng stood from his seat and made his way over to her, his body comforting warmth behind her. His face appeared over her shoulder, dark eyes gazing out at the snow she had been so lovingly staring at. “I think I can understand why you like it so much.”
His hand came down against her waist, palm pressed gently against the curve of her skin. It was both a comforting and possessive move.
No, she decided. He did love her. She would just have to wait for him to be ready to admit it.