last night

May 14, 2014 11:46

So, last night I watched this short video abt someone getting married and she was about to have her father daughter dance. Unfortunately her father passed away from an illness not long before the wedding so her brother decided to do something special for her and sing their father's favorite song for her while she danced with her grandfather since her father couldn't be there.
My dad passed away almost 2 years ago because of an illness as well and this video made me think of all the things I'm going to go through where I would have liked to have my father around to experience it with me but he won't be. Needless to say, I ended up crying. I cried because the video was beautiful as well as it made me feel so painful. Even though, it's almost been 2 years, the pain never really gets any better. It gets easier to handle because you get used to it but it's not any less as time goes by. You just accept the pain and keep moving because there isn't much else that can be done and I know that he wouldn't have wanted me to be stuck because of my loss. He would have wanted me to get back up and keep going. Which is what I'm doing. Although, I get lost a lot along the way, I am trying. I don't know how I'm gonna be on the anniversary of his death, I most likely won't be doing too well but I'll be okay again. Gotta keep moving forward.

may is hard, loss, papa

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