How did all this get so emotional?

May 09, 2014 18:10

I've spent yesterday and today going through so many Johnny's things. It's made me feel happy and I've had a lot of fun. I know members of johnny's may not be the BEST singers out there but their songs always give me hope. It's similar to how Takarazuka makes me feel. Johnny's always made me happy. Although, because it's impossible for me to stay the same forever, as well as everybody.. I find that the people I like are the same yet kind of different. I hope this stays this way for awhile. I mean my johnny's thing. It's something different. As much as I love Takarazuka.. I was in it because it was something that made me feel like there was no care in the world and it made me feel free.. Lately though, with everyone making it into politics I've just been kind of shying away. I really don't want to. I want to stay but I'm done with feeling like a minority and always judged even when I've literally done nothing but exist. I just want to enjoy the things I like without having to think of the politics. Why can't we all just enjoy it together and stop putting so much pressure on something that really doesn't need all that. Why do people need to think that they're better than others? I just want out.


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