Not a good day in bullets

May 15, 2012 16:27

  • All this rain is getting to me.  I just want to go home and go to sleep.
  • Add in the crazy upcoming weekend and I am beginning to stress out majorly.  
  • There is the work issue.  We got museum passes almost 9 months ago for the library and I haven't done a thing with them yet!!!!  CRAP!!!!  No idea what to do about it now.  My stomach hurts and I want to cry.
  • I sort of also went off my antidepressants.  A while ago.  Can't even remember exactly when. Have been doing really well.  Not depressed, just anxious.  Wish that there were better meds for anxiety rather than depression.  Don't need the depression meds right now, just the anxiety ones which the drug doc I see is hesitant to prescribe.  Ugh.  
  • Saw the orthopedist last Friday about my back finally. It hurts pretty much all the time to one degree or another.  Some days are better than others, there are days when I can barely stand up straight and can hardly walk without wincing but others where it is okay just the pain is there nudging in the background.  Saw the xrays and yup - there is definitely arthritis at the base of my spine but also a compressed disk.  The ortho I saw referred me to the spine guy in his practice. I go see him on the 30th.  No idea what he is going to recommend.  I started looking at compressed disks online and scared myself silly.  Injections, steroids, surgery.  
  • Jeff and I never did get to go away in October for our anniversary, nor did we get away this spring.  Looks like we *might* get a day when the kids are away this summer but probably not a weekend for a while.
/end pity party for Ilene now.

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