If you looked outside my window today you would think that it was not the end of November just days away from December. It is sunny and warm. When I was outside for lunch the temperature in the car read 67* (19* or so Celsius).
I am reading - I have WAYYY too many library books at home. Need to round them up and bring 'em back to work. I am still reading and enjoying Maphead, listening to the new Kathy Reichs book - Flash and Bones in the car and last night started the new Rick Riordan - Son of Neptune. The narrator on Flash and Bones is a bit annoying but that's okay I like the series enough to put up with it. Besides, the book is only six discs and I am no disc 5.
I am creating - need to start working on teacher gifts. Most of the teachers will get beaded bookmarks. They are easy to make and are useful. I hate giving the teachers something that they are not going to use.
Around the house - putting the house back together after hosting my family on Friday. Just need to put a few serving pieces away and take down the extra table. We did a lot of laundry this weekend and now I have to put it away. Need to switch the kids clothing from Spring/Summer clothes to Winter/Fall clothes but it keeps getting warm so I can't do it! Might take the box (notice BOX, not boxes) of Chanukah stuff up from the basement and start decorating. Was pleasantly surprised that Target had a great display of Chanukah stuff this year. Picked up two blue flameless candles and one white one decorated with dreidels that is flameless too. Also grabbed a Happy Chanukah sign to put on the door and a new banner like the ones that say Happy Birthday to replace ours that is falling apart. They had the cutest dreidels - they were all different balls; soccer, football, basketball, etc so I bought them. We have a whole collection of dreidels. Growing up my Mom used to put them all in a glass jar and it looked so pretty that I copied the idea. The kids love rooting around in it to find a favorite one to use when we play.
In the kitchen
Tonight - leftovers!
Tuesday - something with chicken breasts and spinach
Wednesday - the kids and Jeff will probably have leftovers again (he made a 12 pound turkey for the four of us last night)
Thursday - I'm thinking fish of some kind. Whatever looks good at the store.
Friday - is the community Shabbat dinner at our Synagogue
Plans for the week
Today - aside from Karate, I had the pleasure of taking the recycling in. I brought it to the place here in Denville where I work and they do something called Single Stream Recycling. Meaning you put most everything - paper, plastic, cardboard, glass, etc together in one bin. Huh.
Tuesday- kids have Hebrew School and then Peter has scouts
Wednesday - Dr Drugs in the morning and then I don't go into work until 3 rather than 1. Needed to use up a bit of leftover personal time. I figured that I would use it for holiday shopping but I am almost done!
Thursday - I have a Board of Education meeting. I will be so happy come June and my term is up. I've been on the board going on six years and am DONE.
Friday - Peter's Hebrew School class is having their Shabbaton where they help lead services. This year they get their Siddurs (prayerbooks) and like I said above there is a community dinner afterwards. It should be very nice.
I am thinking about
- All the encouragement, advice and support you have given regarding my worries about Hannah. It means a lot to me and I thank you all for it. Hopefully you won't get bored of reading about it because I think it isn't going to go away that easily.
- Also thinking about the Library conference that I just registered for. It isn't until March but I am excited to go. It is right here in Philadelphia so a few of us get to go rather than just the director. Plus I get to room with a friend rather than with my boss. YAY!
- Ugh, also thinking about the weight that I gained recently. I am back up to a number that I don't like to see. So it is back to tracking and watching what I eat. Need to up the exercise too.