Aug 04, 2005 19:54
I am thoroughly depressed.
And I know why, I believe.
The end of any show, but especially Summer Theatre, always leaves me feeling empty. But this year, it's 2,000 times worse because I know Summer Theatre really is over. There's not even a 'next year' to look forward to.
And I'm not seeing anyone from the cast, (please excuse the whining that is about to ensue) but I happen to know there's been a couple things I wasn't invited to. And this bothers me. And I keep getting my hopes up about things and then convincing myself that they'll never happen, and then I get more depressed.
Also, the lingering air of change senior year brings in is looming over my head, occasionally throwing things at my head that hit me, saying "HERE WE COME!!!"
Lovely metaphor, there.
I need to not be a chicken, and pick up the phone and call people to make plans. *cough, cough*
You did ask me to, after all.
There is that to look forward to.
Ah, yes! And there is the fact that DANIT IS HOME and is sleeping over Saturday night, where much catching up shall occur. Though, today, on the phone with her, I felt ridiculous saying a lot of what I wanted to say, which was odd. But I think that's just my mood today. It's just one of those days. Rainy, and yucky.
Okay, even though it's like 8pm, someone needs to do something with me right now. Distract me. Make me happy again.
Perhaps this August can try really hard to be as fun as last August.
Maybe it can even outdo last August.
Afterall, it's only the 4th.
A lot can still happen.
Okay, optimism failing.
Still feeling down.