Feb 01, 2006 23:50
28 weeks starts today... And to make matters worse i started to spot 2 days ago. I've been told to stay off my feet untill i see the Doc, Well that was today... And it went well, i feel much better about things as of right now, but of course that can and almost will change as the night goes by. I heard the heart beat and it was good, she talked about my spoting and said we would have a u/s done and i was SOOO happy about that caues then i could see with my own eyes that he was ok. And the reason for my spoting was caues his spine is pushing up againest my cervces, So i feel better about that, for now... I still have the hole week to get though, lucky i have blood work i need to have done and a stress test they want done so that well fill up the rest of the week, and im hoping the weekend will be good, Since it is Chris's B-day and The SUPER BOWL!!!!! all in the same day :-) BIG PARTY!!!
Chris has been really nice this week to, he's reminded me so many time that he loves me and that liam is going to ok caues he has Jacob to watch over him and he's just been there to hold me when i needed his arms around me, I dont sleep much at night, i think i watch every hour come and go but the little sleep i do get is with chris holding and it feels so good. Ian's even been really nice and told me that the baby loves me :-) i thought that was really nice from a 7 year old... :-)