Dec 25, 2005 09:39
The necessary/boring
name? Steven
eye color? I don't know anymore, they change too much
hair color? Brown
how would you describe your over-all appearance? Like I just woke up, because I did.
Taking Chances--Would You Ever...??
go on fear factor? Nope, stupid show.
keep in mind you have to eat bugs? I'll eat bugs off the air.
randomly kiss someone? Nah.
tell your biggest crush your feelings? Yes, and it's been proven!
tell people what they're really like? Most certainly.
take a bath in blood? Sure...
go to an island with nothing? Okay.
shave your head for no money? Nope.
shave your EYEBROWS for money? They grow back, I think.
Which One Would You Prefer?
having loved and lost, or never to have loved at all? Loved and lost.
apples or oranges? I ate a frozen orange last night!
walks by the beach, or cruises in a car? Water drowns people, but cars run people over. Let's go with the beach.
books or magazines? Yay books!
Dr. Phil or Oprah? Kill them both.
ham or chicken? Baw-kawk.
ham or fish? Fish! Sushi FTW.
being lost at night in a city, or being lost during day in a forest? Well, considering that night in the city will turn into day in the city, and day in a forest will turn into night in the forest, and it'll probably take me a while to get unlost from both, we'll go with the city.
beach boys or beatles? Beatles.
having no money or having no car? You can always steal gas.
lake como italy, or paris france? French is a hard language. You can speak Italian with just your hands, so Italy.
swimming pools or jacuzzis? Jacuzzi FTW.
straight hair, or curly hair? I like both.
black or gray? Is this a young people vs. old people question? Black, because extremes are comforting.
people being immature, or people acting TOO old? Too old, I meet too many immature people already.
rain or sunshine? Ever been in the rain when it's sunny? Yeah, that's trippy.
Which Is Worse?
a day with no boy/girl friend, or a day with no friends? That's too hard, both would suck. Since everybody loves independence, let's just say no girlfriend.
getting a ticket or getting in an accident? Accidents kill people. Tickets do not, unless it provokes you to kill yourself.
homework or tests? Homework is tedious, tests make you think and swear profusely under your breath. Homework.
school or your house? School computers are fun to fool around with, but are ultimately frustrating due to my lack of 1337 h4x. Therefore, home.
If you could....would you?
apologize to a friend? Okay. I could now...but I don't have anything to apologize for. Except for that whole pipebomb assassination attempt thing.
what would you say? "I'm sorry the pipebomb only maimed you."
relive a certain day? Yeah! Unless I got stuck in time and then had to go retrieve a secreted away artifact that would allow me to power a time machine made of straw and spit, and then got back to my own time to find that history had been altered and an EBIL OVERLORD had taken over the world, who I get into an epic battle with, at the climax of which the ebil overlord reveals he is me! QUE MOVIE DEAL.
if so, what day would that be? Random day of little significance.
relive 2004? And lose the election again?
avoid a situation from ever happening? See worst-case scenario above.
if so, what would it be? Probably the whole me-becoming-an-ebil-overlord-thing, but I would instead create TWO EBIL OVERLORDS by accident!
sing in front of a humongous crowd? Only if they weren't paying attention to me.
what time is it? 10:02, though I wish it was past 12 so I could speak in military time.
where do you live? Shoreview, San Mateo, CA
what's your favorite passtime? I am hopelessly addicted (re-addicted) to EVE.
do you like emo music? Only if I don't realize it's emo music until later.
do you cuss? Only when I'm angry or excited.
have you ever done something you don't want anyone to know about? OH NOES CLICHED DARKEST SECRET QUESTION!
if so, what? OH NOES CONTINUATION OF CLICHED DARKEST SECRET QUESTION. Why doesn't anyone ever ask our lightest secrets?
what's the best thing that could ever happen to you? Random sack of money/highly edible stuff/ticket to Seattle showing up.
what have you learned in the past year? Hmmmm. That if you lie to parents, it makes life easier.
is your refridgerator running? Oh damnit, not again! And you spelled refrigerator wrong, n00b.
have you ever lost something that you wish was still here? Yeah, I rather want my photoshop CD.
what about love at first sight? Undying lust, sure.
do you think evolution is true? Yeah, what else is there to go with, creationism? *scoff*
do you like the movie "eternal sunshine of the spotless mind"? Yes, and I ought to watch it someday.
do you like curling up w/ icecream and watching a chick flick? Yeah, though popcorn is more common.
how many times have you lied in the past four days? Enough.
why did you decide to take this survery today? Chelsea's fault.
have you ever had a blackout or passed out? Yeah, maybe for a few seconds when Garrett headshotted me with his airsoft gun in the back of the head at WAY TO CLOSE RANGE.
are you the cook in your house? I can make eggs and nachos and...yeah, that's about it. And toast, but I don't like toast.
do you think golf is a sport? Yeah, and it's hard as hell, too.
what about chess? SPORT OF THE INTELLECT FTW.
do you like halloween? Duh.
if you were a shape, what would you be? Dodecahedron, because that's the token "complicated shape word."
what's harder? getting a date, or finding someone you'd WANT to date? Most people would say finding someone, but getting a date is probably harder for me, though it's always my fault.
if you could change one thing about your school, what would it be? Full of good teachers.
if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? More of a propensity to set things on fire, I guess.
do you like spending time with family or friends better? Friends, I must say.
how many hours of tv do you watch in one week? Not much.
do you bite your nails? Yes, I am a bad person.
have any other bad habits we should know about? Propensity to want to set things on fire.
boxers or briefs? for the ladies, which do you like better? Boxers give wedgies.
are you underage for....anything? Laws are stupid.
have you ever ridden a horse? Have you?! Hrmph. WHO ARE YOU ANYWAY, MYSTERIOUS TEST GIVER MAN PERSON LADY?!
what's the one thing you can't STAND? Ignorance.
do you like coffee? Yes
what are you addicted to? EVE Online.
do you want to break that addiction? Nope.
do you have any really cool mutations? Yeah, I've got Swiss Army Knife Complex. WATAHH! TWEEZERS!
have you ever thought about filling a swimming pool with whipped cream? Good idea, but that might cost a lot. And the whipped cream would melt.
do you think it'd be fun to do that? Yeah!
do you daydream too much? No such thing.
not enough? There's always dreams among the clouds...*breaks into song*
what's your favorite direction? (north, south, east, west): North northwest.
do you know what percentage of the human brain we actually use? ~10%
what's your biggest fear? Zombies. And cashiers. Especially zombie cashiers.
what's your weakness? Popcorn.
how long does it take you to actually getting around to do the dishes? 15 minutes to 2 days.
how many times have you accidentally flashed an audience? Been flashed.
what's the best thing about being you? The fact that nobody knows what the best thing about me is.
if you could trade lives with any celebrity, who would it be? By trade lives, do you mean kill them and then wear their skin?
do you like cats? Kitty!
were you ever picked on when you were little? Grumble.
what's the one toy that you REALLY wanted back in the day but never got? Toy guns.
have you ever gotten lost in the grocery store? All the time.
when's the last time you slept in till noon? Last Saturday?
do you like american society? Gotta love some of it, but all the high profile bits just piss me off.
do you walk to public places barefoot? Only when there are sharp rocks present, because I am stupid.
what's the best thing since sliced bread? The bread slicer.
have you ever taken candy from a baby? Been tempted.
what's your living situation? In a house? Steven's Housing Emporium. Aka, a box. Boxes are so funny to live in. Who ever thought of that? Genius.
when's the last time you used the restroom? Not since I accidentally superglued all of my orifices shut...
if you could wish for any three things, what would they be? Wishes to the power of 9 three times over.
does your computer like to randomly shut down? Of course, this computer is a Dell, and I had a first gen iMac before that. How would they not crash?
have you ever had a job? Yes. Money is the devil.
if so, what? Cleaning my dad's shop when I was wee.
have you ever been FIRED from a job? Fired by my dad, that'd be funny. HE WOULD NOT SURVIVE THE NIGHT!
come on, now you have to tell why...? If I were ever fired, it'd be because I pushed the boss down the stairs, and then set him on fire. Wait, no, set him on fire, then push him down the stairs. Wouldn't that look cool?
who's the love of your life? Aw, now you've got me all flustered.
is love all it's hyped up to be? And more.
would you ever be a janitor at your old high school? Yeah, cause then I'd be able to play tricks on the kids and tell creepy old-guy stories!
what's the longest phone conversation you've ever had? Probably 7 hours or so.
what's the one question you want me to ask you? "What's the one question you want me to ask you?" Hey, cool, you asked it!
sorry, I don't know what your answer was. but do you like pie? Pie 4TW.
how bathrooms does your house have? 1, which is approximately the size of a closet.
what's the worst book you've ever read? I look forward to reading Jane Austen books, possibly the worst writing in existance aside from Vorgon poetry.
what's the worst movie you've ever seen? I tend to like movies, probably because I get popcorn and am therefore happy.
what's your favorite movie? The Matrix, the first one.
if you could live in any other time period, what would it be? THE FUTURE!
have you ever been in a play? Crew!
do you consider yourself a loner? Not really.
are you obsessed with taking surveys like I am? It would appear so.
do you prefet mexican food or all-american mcdonalds? Anything over McDonalds.
have I asked that one question you want me to ask yet? Yes, thanks!
have you ever had an epiphany? Yes!
if so, what was it? Total Perception Vortex FTW.
have you ever locked your keys in your car? I did to my dad's car, it was quite fun.
what's the one word you can't stop using? Yarr or FTW, thanks to EVE.
do you call anyone else besides your biological mom, "mom?" Only sarcastically.
are you sad that I'm leaving you forever? GET OUTTA MY HEAD!
if you could say anything to ANYONE right now, what would it be?: Dear God, please fix the world. KTHXBAI, Steven