dreams of apartments...

Sep 25, 2008 07:30

I've looked at three apartments in Cheyenne so far; I won't tell you how much rent is here, because people in L.A./Chicago/NYC will spit at how low it is. And really, that's not the point, anyway; the point is how much of my salary I have to give up every month for an apartment here. The commute will *kill* me if I keep this up longer than a month. So far, seen two I liked, that were within my price range. The third one was within the price range but was farther away, pokier, and just a bit shabby. Not the kind of thing I'd want to pay *that* much for.

Apartment #1 is only 7 blocks from work, in a 1950's building that comes with heat but no dishwasher, no off-street parking, and no A/C (not that you really need it in Cheyenne). It has gorgeous architecture, a yard, and really shiny new appliances and fittings (they're retrofitting the whole place right now). It's $100 more if I get the floorplan I want. I *could* get a 1BR, but it would be... small. I don't know, maybe too small.

Apartment #2 is 15 mins. away, in a 1970's building that has heat included. It's $50 less at the very least, cute layout, if I get one on the second floor I can have a deck/patio; includes off-street parking and dishwasher. It's just... not as gorgeous. Not as close to work. Not across the street from the Governor's Mansion Museum. *sigh*

I'm still looking, but I hate that the most gorgeous one has *just* enough small irritations to make me wonder if I'll regret renting it this time next year.
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