I did not win NaNo, but I still won.

Dec 01, 2007 00:57

I made the 20k goal I set myself! Yeah, the website still says 19,204 words, because I forgot to check in and update in time, but I did, in fact, write 20,107 words by midnight tonight. Woo! And I feel like I *could* have written the 50k, even with work, if I had not gotten distracted by shiny things like books, TV, and other ideas.

Congrats & glee to diannelamerc, lizbetann, natmerc and airawyn, who made the purple bar club, just to name a few. Airawyn especially encouraged me through this whole month, letting me bounce ideas off her head and telling me she liked the story. I believe -- and hope-- that I'm going to keep writing this until it's done, whether that's another 30k or something longer. I'm really having fun with the story, and it's the first viable longer original work that I've written to ever get this far. The main thing is to write every day, even if it's only a little bit, and to have at least one long session a weekend where I really get stuff done.

This contrasts sharply with today's Exercise in School Weirdness. I got a six-month overdue letter from CSU, stating that I was on academic probation. (Me: "Wait, I *graduated* six months ago. The hell?") Not only was it late, they thought I was both simultaneously in the doctorate program and the master's degree program. (I got a certificate in GIS.) And on top of that, the GPA was wrong. Soooo, I called my advisor this morning, demanded to know if getting a couple low grades meant I hadn't graduated after all, and the answer was no, I did in fact graduate. But that this is fairly typical of CSU.

I look forward to trying to straighten this out with three different computers over there next week. No, really.

In the meantime! Memeage!

Name a character from one of my fandoms, and I'll give you either (a) three facts about them from my personal canon/fanon, (b) a reason he/she sucks, (c) a reason he/she is awesomecakes, (d) five things that never happened to that character or (e) five people that character never fell in love with and why. You pick the character. I pick the letter.

I should also add that if I have no idea who they are, I reserve the right to make up something cracktastic.

meme, ficlets

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